Lumbar puncture, I am terrified!

that should say people not Pete! I tried editing, but it won’t change!!!

Hello Bettie VR, I have my LP this coming Thursday, I wouldn’t say I’m looking forward to it but I’m looking forward to the answers it can possibly give me. There are good and bad sides to all procedures so I’m trying to keep a positive mind. Will update how it goes afterwards. Good luck…Abs

Good luck! I hope it goes well. Yes, do keep us updated. Hopefully you’ll get some answers! XX

I am also worried about LP! I have had my MRI which showed lesions on the brain, and I have my first neuro appt on the 12th Oct. Absolutely bricking ti that I may be told I need a LP. I’ve been hoping my MRI will show enough, but from other posts on here I doubt I will be so lucky :frowning:

Solidarity hug is coming your way! I hope your neuro appt goes well. I actually liked (if that’s the right word) my first appt with the neuro, he was really reassuring and it felt like he took charge. He originally said if my spinal MRI showed lesions he wouldn’t need to do the LP, so you might be lucky? My spinal MRI was clear, but I have had Optic Neuritis twice. So the LP is technically good news that I need it! That’s what I keep reminded myself.

Let us now how the Neuro Appt goes, I hope it goes well. xx

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Hi all, no-one HAS to have an LP. If an MRI shows lesions, then it isnt necessary for the LP.

Decline the LP if it really bothers you.


Hi BettieVR, well I had the LP…didnt feel a thing! I’ll be brief…I was sitting up curled tight into a ball, one sharp scratch where anesthetic went in, then…nothing. Lovely consultant who talked through it as he did it, over in 15 minutes and the head nurse held my shoulders to keep me steady as my balance is pretty rubbish these days. Then I was given lovely cuppa and biscuits and released to go home after an hour. The team were brilliant with me, I couldn’t have asked for better. Everyone masked and ppe and constant cleaning, I felt very safe. Results in 6 weeks they said. Hope urs goes as well as mine…Abs x

Thanks for that! That is very reassuring. I know on the day I am going to be a mess, but I know it will be over before I know it. The biscuits sound good! Hope your LP gets you some answers. XX

Just relax and it’ll be fine. Keep us updated how it goes. Good luck xxx Abs

Thank you! I know that these are recent lesions as an MRI a few years ago was clear, so hopefully that will help with a diagnosis without an LP. Even though I had an epidural with my son, the thought of a needle into my spine just terrifies me :frowning:

I shall update on this thread as a reply when I have been!

Thought I would give an update for anyone who is following! I managed the lumbar puncture. The doctor who did it was lovely. He did catch a nerve and my right leg twinged a bit and spasmed, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought… super proud of myself. Now for a well deserved rest! Thank you for being so supportive. These forums keep me sane!

You will be relieved that is over. Take care

Great news! Take it easy now. I was lucky, no headaches, no side effects whatsoever but I did stay in bed for the day and do as I was told, ha ha!!

I have spent the day in bed watching rubbish TV shows on Netflix. So fingers crossed I’ll be okay on the headache front. I am a bit achy, but that isn’t really surprising!

You did really well! Let’s hope we get our results quick, although they told me 6 weeks so not exactly speedy.

Yes. Let’s hope its quick! Do you have another appointment with the neurologist lined up? Why does 6 weeks always feel like such a long time?!

I was told they will set up the appt once the results are back…so probably longer than the six weeks! Every test they’ve done has taken an age to get back, then waiting for the follow up appts too takes longer. I’m thinking it maybe an early christmas present! Ha ha! How long were you told and do you already have an appt with your neurologist?

I don’t have an appointment set up either, partly because I did have one on Wednesday, which was supposed to be the one to give me the results of the lumbar puncture. Unfortunately it took so long to get the lp appt that it ended up being a slightly pointless one. I am pretty sure the doctor said 3-4 weeks for results, but I was a little distracted from feeling sort of stressed, but also relieved that it was all over - so he could have said 4-6 weeks and I just didn’t hear right… Whatever the case, hopefully we will both have news by Christmas! Oh man! Christmas!! Blink and it will be upon us! Maybe that will help make the waiting feel quicker - lack of preparedness for christmas?

Just got back and a diagnosis of probably MS without an LP! quite relieved that I don’t need to have one tbh

Hello, have you had any news yet? It’s been nearly 4 weeks for me but heard nothing…not even got a follow up appt…