Lumbar puncture - caffeine

No not yet, still going down the long and winding road, had symptoms on and off for couple years but put it down to stress as working 2 jobs and 2 very young children, then in Oct 16 my whole left side went numb and heavy with no.real coordination, had facial.droop but it looked normal, dizzy and sick feeling, docs sent me to hospital thought it was stroke or tumour. Put on observation and released 2 days later with mri to follow which I had in Jan showed 15 foci in 2 lobes, docs referred me to Neuro but waiting times in n.ireland was 9 maths for urgent so I paid for consultation, c spine mri, bloods and follow up review. Only then did Neuro offer to.put me into nhs to his clinic and to get L.P. I’ work since this happened and things haven’t really eased but had improved with the meds but now they seemed to have stopped working. That IS why I paid for everything so far to try and speed up diagnosis so I can get back to work. My occupational health in work nervous with undiagnosed disorders.

Sorry Lynette Forgot to.say thanx so much for coming back to me. This site and all the people on it are great when you are trying to get through the tough times

Hi Jen and JT

Thank you for advice about what too keep in diary. I have been keeping a log of symptoms but never thought about appointments and what’s discussed but what you say to note makes a lot of sense as I have already forgot some stuff : / One being the dosage of vitamin D3 that was discussed at neurology appt as I had told him I was taking 1 tablet (1000IU) a day and knew he said I could up it but couldn’t remember by how much until I received a copy of his letter today to my doc saying we had discussed potential benefits of taking 4000 to 5000 units per day of Vitamin D3. Holland and Barrett are going to love me haha

JT that sounds like such a long time to be on a waiting list : / I had been told our health board was about 6 months when referred. I had phoned to enquire about where I was on list and got told I could go on cancellation list if someone cancelled although it may be a last min appt.

2 days later I had just arrived at work and got a call to attend an appt an hour and a half later and got away and so things have been moving since with lp and MRI’s again. Maybe call neurologists secretary and ask if you can put your name down to be contacted at short notice?

Your relapse sounds a bit similar to my 1st and I too nor docs had any idea. Went to out of hours doc as had been suffering severe dizziness for days and had started staggering to side. Doc thought I had Bells Palsy as face dropped on side so sent me to A@E. They suspected stroke so had a CT scan which was clear so put it down to Labrynthitis. Had a follow up a month later and because symptoms were near enough gone, Labrynthitis it was.

Im a bit luckier in that my kids are older, 13 and 17 (daughter drives too as passed last month) so not as demanding as young ones if I feel bad.


Keep well, great advice to keep a diary, I did but got out the way of keeping it, might have to start again cause my memory/concentration has evaporated lol. Thanx again and keep posting will post on your thread once I see the docs on tues

The thing to remember is that most people who write at length about their LPs are writing because it was ghastly and so they have a lot to say about it. The ones you DON’T hear much from are the majority who had no trouble at all. People don’t tend to post about a non-event! This is the boring truth of the matter, and it is easy to overlook.


Hi Alison

That’s very true. I did have a few people say they were fine with it, but upon trying to research it was the headache I kept hearing and that petrified me. My neighbour had an lp years ago and the first thing she said to me was that it’s awful so you can imagine the apprehension.

I will admit it was uncomfortable at times as think he hit a nerve at side of spine and it stayed for a couple of days but no headache : )


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Yes, indeed. An older relative of mine had had one as a young man in the 1940s and it had been awful and the procedure was spoken of in hushed tones of dread in my household when I was growing up, and a child with an active imagination does not forget these things. Imagine how thrilled I was when I had to have one myself? (Mine was one of those non-events.)

Your case and mine both show that the internet did not even need to be invented for there to be horror-stories to give people the willies about LPs! But again, if your neighbour and my relative had been fine, we probably would have heard nothing about it.



Hi and sorry for reviving! I’m wondering how are you today? Faced with a similar issue. Due to my health problems, I’m not a coffee drinker anymore. Looking for caffeine substitutes atm
Thx in advance