Just need a mini-vent...

Having been officially diagnosed with RRMS 6 years ago, but had symptoms for at least a decade before that, I feel I ought to have this straight in my head by now… but I am still confused.

Can a person still be experiencing symptoms even if an MRI shows no changes in lesions?

I get the impression from my Neurologist & MS Nurse that because nothing has obviously changed on my scan since the previous one, then I can’t be feeling any worse or experiencing symptoms. Honestly, they make me feel as though I’m either imagining it or making it up…! Yet when I didn’t initially believe the diagnosis, it was the Neuro who was insistent that the dx of RRMS was correct.

He has never offered me any treatment, preferring a wait and see approach; something which I feel led to my vision problems becoming worse than they might otherwise have been had I been started on something right from the beginning. However, the damage is done and it is too late now to restore my vision to what it was.

I wasn’t able to attend my last Neuro appointment and I emailed to let them know, however the message wasn’t passed onto the Neurologist and I received a rather shirty letter from him about non-attendance. I responded to both him and my GP that I did indeed let the hospital know and even included a screenshot of the email I’d sent, but have never received an acknowledgement nor another folow-up appointment. It feels as though because my last scan didn’t show any changes, he doesn’t think there’s anything wrong, he can just forget about me until another year has gone by.

I realise I should be proactive and chase them up about an appointment, but honestly I don’t need anyone making me feel more crap about myself than I already do, so I’ve been putting it off.

Not sure where I was going with this, just needed to get it out of my system.

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Could you ask your GP to switch you to a different hospital/consultant. It doesn’t sound at all like you’re getting what you need from your current one. I know it’s a pain but once it’s done would be such a weight off your mind to trust the people looking after you.

I can’t understand why you weren’t offered a drug I’m afraid. I thought anyone diagnosed with RRMS would/should be.

As for the MRIs maybe look up smouldering MS. In short - yes things can progress without clear MRI evidence. I know my neuro wouldn’t be prepared to step up treatment level though without MRI proof, but they still shouldn’t make you feel like you’re making it up because it can definitely happen!

Huge hugs your way!! Hope you’re feeling a bit better today xx

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This might help explain.

Getting worse - by Gavin Giovannoni - MS-Selfie (substack.com)

Case study: does treating MS early improve survival? (substack.com)

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