Hi hellbender, I’m newly diagnosed my self, I’m just finding my way around everything, the people on this site and the site itself have been invaluable. The poeple have been so friendly and supportive.
I have been ill for 4 years in total when you look back at everything, but physically disabled for 2 years and only diagnosed in the last week or so.
I’m still going through a lot of things including someone telling me, oh a friend of mine had that years ago, drank whisky and went swimming and now she’s cured. Honestly some people just have to laugh it off.
How are you finding things? Have you got a good GP to talk to?
Oh I’m with you on the tea front, don’t smoke, hardly drink, too many meds for that. I have 3 cups of tea for breakfast, I’m terrible, nice strong tea. Used to drink coffee, but my taste buds went weird when I got sick and I couldn’t stand certain foods and drinks any more, coffee was one of those things! Funny that.
welcome lil red not coping very well at moment but see ms nurse tomorow so hope she will be able to explain it all better LOL hope you are coping better than me take care hb12 aka paul
Oh I’m so glad I’m not the only teapot! I was so embarrassed when I had to keep a fluid chart and realised just how many cups I had in a day. I’ll never die of dehydration that’s for sure.
HB - can we call you Paul now? It’s so much better to put a person’s name to posts, on this forum at least. On my Watford FC forum I’m ‘Golden Gordon’ or GG, but here I’m definitely just Kev.
really hope you get lots of good support from your ms nurse, especially now when it’s all a new concept, and let’s face it, pretty daunting.
Paul my eyes had a while with double vision it came on whilst watching football at Margate Town really dificult trying to watch footie with double vision. I need new glasses I actually take mine off to see, I need them for the computor but if I move even in the wheelchair they comme off.
Paul and Don get yourselves a good optician. Mine put prisms in my lenses so my eyes have to work together focusing on the same place if that makes sense. MS affects it and causes blurred or double vision. Mine’s so much better now, only worse when tired. Can even be put in varifocals as mine are, called in door so set for reading, computer and tv distances, would be lost without them!