hey everyone, ive just come back from my neuro dr n he says i need to have iv steroids, hes sending me for a appointment after the new year as my legs n the pain in my head are getting worse, my head feels like someones stabbing it for a few seconds then stops and my legs have decided to go on permanent holiday ( nice) i have 4 days where they play nice out of the month so far, the neuro says if they dont get better then they wont they will just keep gettin worse till i get the steroids, i know this probably sounds dumb but i had no idea there were iv steroids, i only thought there were tablets n thats it, coz mums on prednisalone ( i think thats how u spell it?) n they are tablets, is there anything to worry about with steroids? how long does it take n does it hurt? i know theres alot of questions but i have no idea on this one, i know steroids mess with ur bones coz its done it with mum n shes on tablets for it, at this point im willing to try anything to get my legs to play nice instead of being on holiday, plz help coz im a dumbo woth steroids
Hi Vicki I have had Iv steroids 3 times and oral steroids 2 times. The Iv didn’t hurt anymore than a normal Iv (just a needle then fluids). I think the actual infusion only takes about an hour each day (my treatments were 3-5 days). I seemed to have less side effects with Iv, but I do like the tables because then I don’t have to go into hospital. Either way, be prepared for a funny taste in your mouth and my neuro always prescribes calcium tablets as steroids are hard on your bones, but one dose, I am told, doesn’t so too much damage. Hope that helps, and that you feel better soon. J
ok thankyou very much, as i said im a dumbo where it comes to steroids lol. gud job ill be sitting down when they come near me with a needle coz i tend to have funny turns when i see needles lol
Hi Vicki I’ve had IV Steriods Solu-medrole a couple of times now, dont know if it will be same for you but basically they insert a canullar in your hand and the steroids are admitted through this usually takes about an hour or so when I’ve had them in the past it was over 3 days and the left the cannular in. went as an out patient. Only had a problem once when they set it going too fast thought my hand/arm was going to explode also felt very flushed Sue x
hi vicki
you’ll feel stronger almost immediately.
take some sweeties to suck because they give you a horrible dry mouth
prepare to be a monster if the roid rage sets in. its a natural effect of steroids but i really thought i was losing my mind.
just explain to your nearest and dearest that you may have mood swings for a day or two.
you’ll be fine babe, promise
love carole x
i get bad mood swings as it is, ill just avoid everyone for a couple of days so its not worse, thanks for the heads up
Hi there,
I have had iv steriods just the once. They did not hurt. I was in hospital for three days. I had one dose each day. Each does took 6 hours which I was not told about. Good job I had a book!
The other thing I was not told about was the racing heart whilst I was having the infusions. Or the feeling of euphoria I had for about three weeks after. I was so tiring. I was in love with everything and everyone! Pity they can’t bottle that eh?
Unfortunately for me the infusions did not work long time. I hope if you have them they work for you.
Good luck and don’t worry about having them.
Hi Vikki I had iv steroids two weeks ago, they don’t hurt just a sharp scratch when the needle first goes into your hand, you do get a lovely metallic taste in your mouth whilst having them. I had them spread across 3 days, the steroid took just under 2 hrs and then they add a flush which takes about 30min to go through. I have been off work for the past 7 weeks after suffering a very bad relapse, unable to walk and drive! They gave me the oral steroids first but they didn’t help hence having the iv steroids, and I will say that I have noticed an improvement although small within the first few days, I am now walking around the house a little stiff but I’m walking and outside I can now walk short distances or a little further with a stick, I’m just waiting for more improvement over the next few weeks hoping that I’ll be back driving again and able to run around after my daughter again!! I also got less side effects from iv steroids, did feel a little flushed for a couple days oh and don’t worry if you don’t sleep much whilst having them, I hardly slept at all but back to normal now! Good luck Liana
Had my 3 day dose of IV steroids last week, finished on Saturday - Have been feeling pretty rough since but, I think that is the norm…tend to knock you down before they lift you up…