i was due to start my 1st day of iv steroids today at hospital…but because it involved a needle i ended up having a really bad panic attack and a major freak out to the point i nearly passed out, is there any other way i can have the steroids with out it being iv steroids? will the neurologist let me take tablets instead? i really need info on this as i really cannot put myself through this again, it took me nearly half a hour to calm down after they took the canular out as the dr missed the vein, the back of my hand hurts like bloody hell and is sore as hell, i think thats normal anyway. unless they knock me out to get a needle near me i cant see any other way of getting the treatment i need, the neurologist has already said my legs will keep getting worse if i dont get the steroid treatment, i know its going to help, but i cant stop my reaction to needles, ive tried for years but nothing helps
I’ve just had a five day course of oral steroids… Don’t see why you can’t have them orally if it feels easier…just check Hun. Good luck x
Oh and I also share your fear of needles ! X
ooooh thats so good to hear, i hope he lets me have the tablets, if not then its nothing unless they knock me out…ooh a nice bruise is forming on the back of my hand now lol, maybe i should gently draw a little face on it lol
I totally understand your fear of needles, i have it to but not as bad as yours. It does make the weekly avonex jab a bit harder but thats how it goes. I’m in two minds over iv or pills. The pills gave me a nasty stomach and made it impossible to sleep but the iv i felt great, and maybe a little “high”.
Your gp can give you the pill steroids, if i have a relapse i call ms nurse and he always tells me to call gp to get the pills.
Goodluck I can see no reason why you can’t take the pills.
It depends on the relapse. I know my neuro explained that for Optic Neuritis, the IV steroids are the only way to go as the oral steroids make a relapse more likely in the future.
I have had both IV and oral steroids, the oral ones were prescribed by my MS nurse - they taste horrible though, you will need something to take the metallic taste away when you’ve swallowed them
I have to have a cannula every month when I have tysabri - sometimes there is no pain and no mark afterwards and other times several attempts (7 was the record) and loads of bruises - it all depends who puts the needle in.
as i understood it steroids will make no difference to the outcome of the relapse-just makes it pass quicker. and oral or iv gave no difference to the outcome either-just the ‘speed’.
i had ON for approx 12 weeks-losing sight completely in right eye. after wearing glasses for 20 years was then told i had perfect eyesight after the relapse! never had ON since and had no active treatment,just ‘sat it out’.
ellie x
thanks for the info everyone, the dr i saw at the hospital said i need to see the neuro to talk to him about other steroid methods, if he says its only iv then ill just have to leave it or just go to my gp instead
As Ellie says, steroids do not change the outcome of an attack, they only shorten the duration (when they work, because they don’t always).
There was something about steroids on the multiple sclerosis research blogspot recently. It said on there that they only shorten relapses by about two weeks on average. I was really shocked by that - made me wonder why they are used for anything except really bad attacks.
There have been studies comparing IV and oral steroids. The conclusion is that there is no difference between the two in how well they work. So, if you want steroids, I can’t see there’s any reason you shouldn’t opt for pills.
Karen x
Hi I have tysabri every 4 weeks, so I know about canulars . Sometimes there no problems sometimes there are lots of attempts , bruises. Some nurses are better that others, but drinking lots before does help. Good luck Hope x