Hi, I’ve got an appt. for a neurologist coming up after seeing the symptoms of MS and bursting in to tears. I feel like a hypochondriac, but I have to know.
Since I was 17 years old I have had growing problems regarding pins and needles in hands and feet, complete numbness and loss of circulation in them, shingles, a lot of dizziness, a constant headache, I’ve developed an occasional stutter, breathlessness, I literally pour with sweat a LOT, I cannot differentiate between hot and cold on frequent occasions, I shiver in baking heat (though usually I’m burning and about to pass out) and I feel like I’m on fire in freezing cold. I usually feel like I’m burning from the inside. I need to pee but can’t go, I’ve had UTIs diagnosed as bladder infections since I was 8 years old and get them at least a couple of times a year. When walking I stagger/wander, my balance is skewed, I get chronic fatigue to the point that I can barely move, and have had constipation since I was about 7/8. I frequently need to urinate, I can’t stand for long without needing to sit down as I go faint very quickly. I also have bleeding gums which wil never leave me alone.
I get spasms in my right leg, particularly the calf, a lot. I get a ‘trapped nerve’ in my neck and right side of my jaw that feels like I have electrical charges running down my face and it’s impossibly painful. When I was 14 I was on Venlafaxine, an anti depressant that has since been banned to under 16s, and I got brain shocks (electrical currents that feel like your head/brain is being electrocuted by lightning) and am now wondering if that has something to do with this, as I used to get dizzy and nearly pass out all the way back then.
I feel like I’m floating in a muzz when I’m out and about, like I’m there but I’m not there.
I have bad depression and anxiety.
I need a diagnosis. My last doctor was as helpful as a chocolate teapot so I’m praying I’ll finally get the answers I need. In your opinion, could this be MS? Obviously I’m terrified that it will be as I have no idea what to expect from it in the future, but at the same time I need to know what it is that is causing these problems so I have something to fight. Could it be MS and could I have it go undiagnosed for that long? I’m now 29, pressing on the dreaded 30.