Is it likely to be MS?

Or a hot chocolate? Haha

Seriously lol…it will help promote relaxation.

Not that I’m a drug pusher lol

Have you thought about relaxtion routine? I used to have insomnia now i cant sleep due to back pain lol. But seriously get your body into a countdown routine include the drink and any medication then once you are lying down then begin to do some relaxation exercises. Not sure i can describe them but you close your eyes and then start to relax each section of your body starting with the face. Like a wand being waved over each bit at time but when u truly relax you feel the difference in the muscles as all the tension goes. I am not very good at it but it helped me when i had problems with sleeping.

Thank you for the help :slight_smile: I will try a relaxing routine but I may still try the pills too :slight_smile:

Hi mummy3, It’s a lonely and scary place to be, stuck in limbo without any answers and yet symptoms that only you are feeling. Try not to get to bogged down into looking up symptoms and coming up with scary diseases like MS. I would take it one step at a time, and get the MRI over and done with then you can sit down with your specialist and look at your problems and how they can be addressed. With regards to nothing showing in x ray, that would have shown up such things as arthritis, but an MRI would be able to show up clearly much more. The chronic back pain you suffer could be remnants of a slipped disc which rectified itself in the past, but unfortunately will leave you with ongoing back pain, which it know only too well from personal experience. This could also account for what you describe as the ms hug. Once our backs are compromised, we use other back muscles to help us get through the day, and it could have been those going into spasm. If ms or any kind of neuro symptoms were suspected, I am sure the doctors would have wanted you to have a brain MRI too, so for now, unless any other typical ms neuro symptoms evolve, I would try and put anything to do with ms at the back of your mind. In the meantime, you could ask for bloods to be taken to rule out other problems that mimic ms, if they haven’t already been done, and at least then you have ruled out other problems if anything else does show itself in the form of symptoms. The fatigue is a huge problem and you really do have my utmost empathy, but again, it can be caused from other problems, and believe it or not stress is a huge factor, and can cause so many odd symptoms. If back pain is a problem and you aren’t sleeping properly, it could be that you need something to stop the pain preventing a deep sleep and that may be enough to reduce the fatigue during the day. As has already been mentioned, things like a gluten free diet may help, and it might be worth mentioning to your rheumatologist about fibromyalgia, as there is a whole spectrum of symptoms and he or she will be able to diagnose that for you, and prescribe some treatment for you such as pain relief etc. I really hope you get some answers, and not be tempted into googling symptoms, it really isn’t a good idea. Let your doctors take the lead in this instance, as they are listening to you and they are running tests. Good luck, and I wish you all the very best. X

Thanks Anon x I havent mentioned MS to any doctors. But when Ive mentioned to my rheumatologist about back spasms and shooting pains in my back Ive gotten a funny look which made me think it wasnt normal for arthritis. But they didnt say anything to me about it. Last appointment i had, i was asked to bend my back but I couldnt as i was stiff and in pain from sitting so long waiting for her, and i did mention this. Also my sacroilic joints have been very painful for a long long time so having mri on the, too. Looking at my referral letter, it says I am having mri on whole of spine, pelvis amd my sacroilic joints.

I really hope you do get some answers soon, back pain is such an horrendous thing to live with aswell as everything else. I am in constant pain with my back, and nothing else can be done for me, it’s just a matter of keeping on top of analgesia. However, just have symptoms recognized and a name put to it can lessen the stress which could even be aggravating your pain, tension in your muscles due to stress can actually add to it and cause aches and pains elsewhere. Let us know how you go on with your scan results. Good luck? X

Thanks. I will update! No idea how long it will take but I hope its quick!

Hi Mummy3 have you had a diagnosis of MS? I have had psoriasis arthritis for 15 years. 7 years ago I was admitted to hospital with organic symptoms suspected MS. Clear MRI. Had another attack 2 years ago. Admitted again but due to confusion over arthritis I did not get an MRI. Last year I was put onto biologics, month later was back in hospital. Dec I had results of MRI. Lesions in an MS pattern. Hope you are managing ok? Joanne x

Hi all, I have been dx with fibro for over 17 yrs with the slash dx of fibro/chronic fatigue … Fibro/Ms … Over many of them years … My disability has progressed over the past 4/5 yrs gradually getting worse … On many tablets for pain, sleep, anxiety, spasms, and other problems, I have back problems in lower lumber and neck …

Not explaining myself very well here but that’s one of the other problems I suffer from … Can’t seem to say or write/type what I mean to say … Mind goes funny so to speak and eyes go watery/ blurry … What I have been asking my doc for many years is what I have is fibro or is it actually MS ?

As I understand from other fibro friends is that the progression isn’t as mine is and understand from MS friends that my symptoms follow many of theirs, I know that the symptoms are similar and understand that, told that my MRI was nothing significant found … And neurologist did some chatting to me and tapped his fibrating prong thing around my feet and legs and told me no it’s not MS … I’m struggling with all this and feel like I’m going crazy … Have MS,coeliacs, in my fathers side … Please someone help me with some answers xx