Today i have been officially diagnosed with relapsing/remitting MS, im going to see the ms nurse in a couple weeks to talk about treatments, i know there all injections, my question is do i have to pay for my prescriptions or would i now get it free? If i pay what am i looking at every month?
Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. If you decide to try a DMD disease modifying drug-injectable they are paid for by your NHS Trust so you don’t pay anything. Your MS nurse will explain the process to you when you see her. There are new tablet DMDs too but you may need to go on an injectible first. Your GP doesn’t prescribe the DMDs it will all be done through the neurology dept at the hospital you attend.
Hope this helps.
There not all injections two different pill types available Aubagio and Gilenya.
THank you, yes i was told about the pills, but what me and the ms doctor spoke about today i do not like the sounds of the side effects one bit. I hear the injection is like one for a diabetic? Small needle with the little button? Yes reality kinda hit today that its all real, on my mri there is both marks on my spine and brain now, first was just my spine, but second scan is showing brain. It sucks, but im not the only one with it, but i am relieved to know why i have been feeling how i do, and can work on making it more barable… might finally get feeling back in my hands, which i want the most!
Oh ok sounds like Rebif as their about the same size as a diabetic needle. Copaxone is a long one and real syringe.
I went to my first disease modifying clinic today too. I didn’t like the sound of the pill side effects either, think I’m going to go for Avonex. Apparently I can’t have gilenya until I’ve tried and failed the injections. The doctor was going over my symptoms, MRIs and diagnosis and now and again it just hits me, ‘this is real, I actually have MS and it’s forever’. This forum and the local ms support group has really helped, nice to know we’re not alone and there’s help out there
I have been on rebif since May last year. Had a few side effects but nothing major and all fine now. So far it seems to be doing the job but its early days I suppose! I’ve always said I would prefer an oral pill but at the time that wasn’t on offer. I don’t know much about the side effects of the tablets. However now they are available I am unsure if I would change. Sometimes it’s better the devil you know and think now I’d maybe only change if I was failing on rebif. Good luck Hun xxx
Hi ssamm, Good luck with your journey and decisions re DMDs If you are also asking about paying for other medications now you are diagnosed. A MS diagnosis does not usually qualify for free prescriptions unless you have a very amenable GP - some on this site have reported on a way to get them for free. However if you are prescribed thyroxine you get free prescriptions - GP needs to sign a form. If not and you are on loads of meds it will probably be worth your while paying an annual charge to get a special medication card that I can’t for the life of me remember what it’s called. It costs about £110 per year then you don’t pay for prescriptions - this saved me a fortune. Hugs Min xx
Hi ssamm, I was only diagnosed last month so we are at similar stages. I have my first appointment with the disease modifying clinic next week, so I will need to decide which one to go for. I already have a pre-payment certificate, as I am already on other medication, it has saved me a fortune!
Thank you for all your input, my clinic will be on the 8th april, do i got a month to do some reading up on it all. Its funny from the start i expected the worst (you know the phrase expect the worst amd it should be better) kind of depressing that i got the worst! Past few days ive been quite down, but feeling abit better today. More scary posting off forms to the dvla, but my ms doctor said shes happy for me to be driving. I just need to now set up a meeting at work, i drive a bus, so my job could be on a line, but i have a very clean record , no crashs ect, so i will have that on my side. More stress on top of stress.
A friend from my MS support group told me to take one day at a time, live for the day and try not to dwell on what the future might bring. Tricky thing to do when you’ve just been diagnosed but I’m going to try. I was diagnosed with RRMS in January and there are good days and bad days. I’m in remission now and apart from the occasional buzzing and pain in my hand I feel pretty normal. Today is a good day. Hope you feel better soon