In limbo

Let me start at the beginning. About 3 years ago I was diagnosed with optic neuritis in both eyes. My neurologist said that he has never seen someone with optic neuritis in both eyes and not have MS. After the treatment, he told me to keep a look out for any symptoms that might come up because of my risk of developing MS. Now almost 3 years later, I’ve lost my job because I can’t see well enough to drive and lost my insurance. Now new symptoms have popped up. First was the vertigo and heat tolerance. For about 3 months the vertigo was so bad that I couldn’t walk to the kitchen without getting the spins. Next was my ability to talk and think clearly. I will be talking to someone and I forget the words while I’m talking or I’ll say something and it comes out in gibberish. That’s been going on for the past 8 months but its nowhere near as bad as it was when it first started. Lastly the muscle spasms and nerve pain. The past 2 months I started having muscle spasms all over my body. Legs, arms, chest, all over. I have about 15 to 20 spasms in a 15 minute period. Sometimes they are so bad they’ll pull a muscle. With the nerve pain it feels like nail went through my foot with the same with my fingers. Lastly I started having trouble with my right arm. My hand shakes and lose control when I try to write. And when I use keyboard or mouse my whole arm starts hurting from my fingers to my shoulder. Sorry for the long story. I’ve been going to a free clinic and recently had MRI done but the nurse said that MRI looked good. She thinks that it could be anxiety which I find hard to believe. I don’t know what’s going on with my body. I guess I was hoping for the MRI to give me an answer but only gave me more questions. What do you all think. Btw I’m on a waiting list to see a neurologist but there’s no telling how long that’s going to take.


Apart from your list of symptoms, from which it is obvious that you have a serious problem, I find your history vague.

MS can affect any part of the nervous system from the brain to the base of the spinal cord. You didn’t say if your MRI included both brain and spine.

Secondly, I am open-mouthed that you had a nurse analyse your scan. It took a neurologist together with a neuroradiologist to evaluate the last MRI I had. Only a doctor at consultant level is qualified.

Thirdly, there are other tests for neurological conditions such as blood tests, lumbar puncture, evoked potential, blood and nerve conduction. There is no single test for MS; it’s way too complicated for that.

Stick with us and let us know what your neurologist comes up with and that will give people here a better chance of making an informed response.

Best wishes,


I don’t know what type of MRI they took. When they did the contrast scan it only took 5 minutes which I thought was too quick from my past MRIs. Right now I’m going to a free clinic and I’m on a waiting list to see a neurologist but I don’t know when that will be. Right now I’m taking meclizine twice a day for the vertigo which only delays the onset of vertigo. Yesterday the nurse put me on neurontin 3 times a day for the muscle spasms. It seems to have calmed down the spasms but I still have the occasional spasm. Only time will tell if I works or not. Also forgive my ignorance but what history do you need? Either way thank you very much for responding. Right now everything is a mess until I can see a neurologist.


I’m guessing that you are from the USA because of you use the term “Free Clinic”. That’s OK, MS doesn’t recognise political boundaries and neither do we. You are quite welcome here.

It’s only significant because the US health system is so different from our own in the UK and I don’t want to make any assumptions. So let’s start off by confirming that one detail.

Best wishes,


Thank you so much for accepting me. I do live the U.S. I live in Auburn, Georgia and I grew up in a small beach town in St.Joe beach Florida. Our healthcare here in the U.S is the worst compared to the U.K, Europe, Canada and Australia. In recent years our government has really made a mess of our healthcare system. I’m going to call the clinic Monday and see what they scanned when they did my M.R.I. Something isn’t adding up. Thank you again for helping me.


When you get to see a neurologist they should start testing for conditions other than MS.

It’s a process of elimination. They like to rule out any other cause for the symptoms before they consider MS.

As your neurologist said, it’s a good idea to keep a diary of your symptoms. Also, take your partner or a friend to appointments, because it’s easy to forget what’s being said at the time.

In the meantime, there’s always this Forum for support whether you have MS or not.

Best wishes,
