In hospital and just diagnosed

Laying in hospital and was diagnosed yesterday. I’m feeling all the things. Scared of dmt, I’m prescribed ocrevus. Scared of mobility issues in the future. Scared of pain again. I literally thought I was dying for over 4 weeks. Over 10 years of random symptoms and brain scan confirmed diagnosis I have been suspecting. Just had a hysterectomy and afraid of menopause. Just scared of all of it. I’m also moving to Portugal in a few weeks. Afraid of medical care in a foreign country. Ugh …life! The running them I’m learning is know one really knows anything because everyone is so different. So it’s s just a trial and error experiment from here on out. No real truths for me because the truth is just time, wait and see. Tears… lots of tears.

Crumbs, you do have a lot on your plate - I am sorry to hear it. I can’t even imagine the idea of moving countries of residence with all that going on and I wish you well as you navigate your way through these unfamiliar waters.

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It’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed with everything happening just take it one step at a time, and remember we’re here to support you through this.