How to ask the doctor if it's MS

I feel so frustrated after looking at the MS symptoms online. I’ve looked at them in the past but just now realized that I at this point from a few years back to now that I have every single symptoms almost. I have all that I can tell except seizure ( that I know of). I’ve talked to my main doctor and she’s mentioned once or twice the idea of MS. I even went to a neuro doctor and all he did was squeeze my hands, tell me not to stress and sent me on my my way. Never even paid attention to the fact that my half brother has MS and my mother and several family members suffer things like fibromyalgia and other similar disorders. At this point I trust doctors zero and feel like its a waste of time to see them because even if I do in fact have MS they’re doing nothing to test or treat me. This last year I got sepsis (almost died) from an unknown source and the hospital doctors took me off all my meds to reintroduce one at a time and testing me tones. They couldn’t even find my veins anymore they tested for so much. I need to see my regular doctor again but I’m considering getting a new doctor either way I know I’m late for my visit. I just have gotten frustrated and feel like I’m always sick no matter if I see them or not. Any advice on what to do for if I see the same or new doctor would be great and does it have to be a neurologist that diagnosis? I don’t want to see that last guy again for sure.

I was diagnosed with IBSD and have these very same symptoms. In fact a nurse told me that it can;t be IBSD because the meds should be working if it were. They’ve tried all the IBSD meds. I have every symptom for MS and even have a brother with it and I still am being treated as if its in my head. So frustrated and would love to know how long it took for you to get an MS diagnosis? I even had my regular phycisian mention MS once. Definitely considering a new doctor.

I went to the GP thinking I had a disk bulge issue. I had a previous prob & back opp and the numbness in my hands felt the same. Numbness was getting worse about every 3 days plus I was having vision issues, I again I believed this was a migraine type symptom. Every time I had worsening symptoms I phoned gps for an emergency appointment (over a week & a half I saw Every GP in the practice.). They thought I may have Gilliam barium syndrome, therefore they refered me to the medical assessment unit at the hospital. After a day of tests Mir, lumber puncture ect, they told me they thought it was ms, they then organised evocked potentals tests, I was given an emergency neuro appointment & all tests were consistent with ms. Nero Said he had never had such a clear cut case before. Lol

i am fairly sure now that this was not acturly the beginning of my ms. On reflection, over the years I had been to the gps with supper extrem Tirdness (I have over the years had what gp’s call tird all the time blood tests at least 4 times). Also due to my previous back issues numb feet were a me ‘normal’.

I think the fact that I had old legions and was having a relaps made it easy to dignose me. All the best, hope you get answers soon.