how do you feel stiffness? Is this stifness?

Hello community:
I’m relatively new here with a recent diagnosis. One of the strangest symptoms I’ve experienced since what could be considered my first flare-up is stiffness in my legs. This stiffness appears if I stand still for a while. It also happens when I get out of bed or stand up from a chair. My knees hurt as well. Moreover, when I try to walk and an hour goes by (fortunately, I can still walk), that stiffness starts to feel like a burning sensation in my legs. Additionally, in my right foot, I feel like I’m losing control, and I’m not sure if this is foot drop or if there’s so much stiffness in my foot that I can’t move it.

I’m really not sure if this is spasticity, stiffness, or something else… It seems to get better with stretching or when I do cardio. What do you think?

I find fatigue brings with it the stiffness and ‘wobblies’. If I stand for too long (around 10 minutes is too long), then I stagger about, very stiffly, into the nearest chair. Without knowing anything of your condition, that’s all I can say🤔

Hi, stiffness in my left leg/hip is a bit of a nuisance - bending/straightening my leg is more difficult than with the right leg. Trying to bend it, it feels tight (like I’m wearing extra skinny jeans), once bent it takes more effort to straighten it out again. If I have been standing (or sitting) for a while it is more obvious, from a standing start I tend to walk off like Frankenstein’s Monster, from a sitting start I get myself upright and stand in one spot until I’m sure the legs are going to behave once I start walking and not try to revert to a sitting position!

Walking takes a lot more effort physical and mental to avoid face planting in spectacular fashion, because of this the muscles get tired quicker - that might be what you are starting to experience when you’ve been walking for a while.

It would be best for you to see your MS Nurse/Physio and get the stiffness and possible foot drop checked out; they can advise on the best stretches/exercises to help combat both.

Hi @letizia.haydee
Welcome. I find physiotherapy exercises and baclofen helps with my daily spasticity/stiffness.

I thought I’d try CBD a while back but tbh, it does nothing for me, so I take ashwagandha instead now and I notice I feel less fatigued.

Hi, I suffered with stiffness pretty much from the start, I’ve been diagnosed nearly 19yrs, I take Baclofen for mine, I’m on 65mg throughout the day, but I still feel like the tin man, I’m in an electric wheelchair in the home, scooter or manual wheelchair, I can suffel around my kitchen and when I do this my legs are so stiff, so I kinda know in time this will get worse and a neuro has comfirmed this :cry:

Good luck to you,
Jean x