Been on gilenya just over a month, it seems to be going well. Not as many nasty side effects like I had on rebif. For the last week and a half I’ve had a cold, eally sore throat, earache, fatigue and been coughing up a lot of rainbow coloured phlem (sorry for the graphic!) It’s not getting worse but neither is it improving, needless to say it’s making all the ms stuff worse. Should I go see my gp or am I being a hypercondriact? I’m very aware the gilenya lowers your WBC and reduces your ability to fight infections, so not sure if it’s clouding my sense of reality. I don’t want to be laughed out the surgery. I mean it’s a long running cold, but still just a cold (I think). I used to be practically half dead before I saw a gp! I can’t trust my own judgement anymore. Thanks for any thoughts/advice you can offer
I don’t know about Gilenya but I’m on extavia and permanently have a cold and lots of green. Gp is brilliant she referred me to ENT. But like you don’t want to seem fussy I’ve had a sore throat for a week and a half nose is choked. Was considering just phoning. They’re quite good at prescribing antibiotics if I explain over the phone then saves wasting a doc appointment. I blame young children too they are contagious lol Hope you feel better soon x
Thanks Em that’s a good idea, not sure my gp will give me anything over the phone - she’s a little anal about prescribing stuff! Well worth a try though. It’s normally my kids that give me colds, this time however it was my hubby! He got really bad and was signed off for two weeks - I get to carry on as normal! X
Take a look at
and scroll down to “less serious” side effects.
You could print this off and take to the GP.
Hi Anon
Gilenya does leave us prone to infections and the information leaflet tells you to consult your doctor if you are worried that you may have an infection. If your cold doesn’t seem to be clearing up, it wouldn’t hurt to make an appointment and take the information leaflet with you. Let us know how you get on.
Tracey x
Thanks Tracey and Geoff. I am trying to get an appointment but it’s hard work, hopefully I’ll get one tomorrow.
So glad I went - got told off! Apparently I have 2 infections, one of the water works and one in my throat! He told me never to leave it so long again, I just thought I was being paranoid! So now got a boatload of antibiotics, amazing how we get used to suffering.
I’m glad you went too. Hope you feel better soon. I recently had antibiotics for a bladder infection. I had had backache for a couple of weeks off and on and was convinced it was a side effect of Gilenya even though I’d not had it before. It was only when I couldn’t keep out of the bathroom that I went to the GP. After the antibiotics, my backache disappeared and hasn’t come back. Note to self - do not blame everything on side effects - it seems that bladder problems can cause backache! Tracey x
Tracy I used to get loads of bladder infections and my kidneys hurt like mad in the small of my back. Anon ask for a telephone consultation with your doctor. I never see my doc anymore all done on phone, she came to me this week.
Tracy I used to get loads of bladder infections and my kidneys hurt like mad in the small of my back. Anon ask for a telephone consultation with your doctor. I never see my doc anymore all done on phone, she came to me this week.