esa cUT

It seems im not entitled income based ESA becasue I have own my own flat ( no mortgage) but live wiht my mum. Have no cash but assets. I don’t know what too do. I don’t want to claim unemploymernt benefit becasue i may need traetment for an elrge pituarity gland any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

No I stay with my mother in her house. becayse she worrys about me.

As far as I can see your entitled to ESA surely if you have no assets of your own. What are they classing as assets, savings? If that is the case you maybe over the limit for claiming ESA?

Im no expert, maybe others can help but you would need to be more forthcoming about assets.



Its my flat worth around £40,000

I think that the DWP in assessing your assets have assumed your letting out your flat, or could be for an income. Have you thought of doing that so you could indeed have some income?

It doesnt seem fair to me that if you dont have any cash assets and nothing to hand then surely you must be entitled to apply? Perhaps someone who is more adept at benefits could reply, where is Secret4reason when he/she is needed.



Hi, I don’t know much about benefits, are they classing your flat as a second home since you don’t live there and they are saying that you would have about £40,000 in the bank if you sold it and then this amount would be too much for you to claim ESA. You say you don’t want to claim unemployment benefit because you might need treatment for an enlarged pituitary gland. So I’m guessing from this that you must intend to go back to wrk sometime, why not just go ahead and claim the unemployment benefit anyway, then it can be sorted out if you do have the treatment. I imagine that people will claim unemployment benefit and for whatever reason then become ineligible to do so, they become ill, need medical treatment etc. Cheryl:-)

The capital rule is:
more than £16,000 makes you ineligible
under £6,000 is disregarded
between 6 and 16 is counted as providing an income of £1.00 for each £250 (or part there of)
All forms of savings and investment are counted as capital BUT NOT YOUR HOME .

Unfortunately because you are not living in your flat it is counted as an asset and not your home. The value takes you way over the £16,000 limit even though it is not actually money in the bank.

You mentioned the possibility of JSA. I would investigate this carefully because it is possible that your NI contributions (if any) have been depleted by ESA . The capital rules for income based JSA are the same. Basically if you have over £16000 the DWP expect you to live off your own resources.