ear worm

shadows tracing our faces


of romance in our heads

excellent poppy!

I’ve got to tell you this, Earworms are contagious!

This morning on my OH said " I have got an earworm" not expecting anything I asked “oh what song” he said " that Justin Hayward song from War of the worlds" I have given my OH forever autumn,

Really he should get his own!

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Damn cheek of the man.

I am starting to love this thread now. Originally it was all about bad tunes sticking. The last few days I’ve had the Edwin Starr version of War running through my head nonstop. And I have had Joan Armatrading in my head all night. And I haven’t even heard the song for years. (Thanks to Carole for mentioning her the other day!)

Now here’s one for the hard rock fraternity / sorority from one of our recently lost icons:

If you like to gamble, I tell you I’m your man

Win some, lose some, it’s all the same to me …

Gamble…now I’m hearing Kenny Rogers! “You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em”.

The Ace of Spades, the ace of spades

Now I’ve heard there was a secret cord, that David played & it pleased the Lord…

That was a gift for you.

Seven or eleven, snake eyes watching you … you know I’m born to lose, and gambling’s for fools. But that’s the way I like it baby, I don’t want to live forever.

Lovely Lemmy, such a nice man.

I saw him once, ambling along on his way into the Donnington Festival, chatting to people as he went. While I was sat in a car in a queue waiting to get in… them was the days (ZZ Top headlined, probably about 1984).


I was there Sue!!! Bloody hell, we were headbanging together!! xx

86! BW (before wedding!) xx

You know where Lemmy got his name?

“Lemmy a tenner”

I only went twice. In 85 - just checked the date (I was 18) and then a couple of years later - I think 87 - when I was a total mudbath hell. And didn’t stay all that long cos it was so miserable.

Went to the pub instead!


(I spent a few years as a full on rock chick. I wasn’t as dedicated as you though, got side tracked.)

Nah pop no style, a strictly roots
Nah pop no style, a strictly roots

… Uptown Top Rankin (sorry can’t remember any more lyrics!) brilliant though.

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As a child he ended up in Amlwch Anglesey, went to school there.

It’s me, YTF I’ve pressed anon I don’t know xx



leonard cohen wrote it and X factor ruined it!

But you don’t really care for music do you …

I missed it when Tracey put the first line. It was only when you said what it was that I ‘heard’ the next line etc.

Absolutely ruined by bloody X Factor.

This morning I have a new worm. It happened because lovely Cerys Matthews played it this morning and its stuck now:

Will you stay in our lovers story?

If you stay, you won’t be sorry

Cos we believe in you

Soon you’ll grow, so take a chance …

i love that one sue

my fave bowie track.

imagine what the kids would say if you told them it had been written for them!

on a couple of kooks hung up on romancing…

pushing through the market square