Dose heat exacerbate spasticity?

Hi everyone

With this terrible heat, I feel for everyone else out there that’s suffering right now. I have a question though.

Heat brings on pseudo-relapse and I certainly suffer from much more weakness and tiredness. This year however I’ve noticed my spasticity getting worse and wondered if others experience that with the extra heat too?

#heat #pseudo-relapse

This isn’t exactly cheerful reading material, but I personally find it helpful at least to have some understanding of what’s going on and why.


Yes I saw that. Giovannoni’s stuff is brilliant and I’m so glad he’s there! I’ve shown those videos to others so they can get it and it makes a real difference!

Thanks - Gregor

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He’s great, isn’t he? Reaching and helping more people, which is what he does, is valuable work.

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As per the Prof G link from @alison100, it’s not a pseudo-relapse but in slowed conduction in demyelinated or remyelinated pathways. Thus it can affect everyone with MS, not just RR-

I’m PPMS and struggling in the heat. Fatigue is really affecting walking, drowsiness and cognition to an extent. Feel like my CPU is running slowly! Staying indoors, drinking iced water and putting frozen gel packs on my head are getting me through the days. I’ve sort-of gone nocturnal because I revive when the temperature drops at night.

Hoping everyone is coping OK. What’s your special tip for keeping body & mind together?

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Cold showers do the trick for me. Look up Wim Hof method.

What are the Benefits of Cold Therapy? | Wim Hof Method


Thanks alison100, very interesting, I like a lot of other’s hate this heat, I use cold pads and a cold blanket, because the nerve pain is awful, my fatigue is terrible and quite honestly sometimes I just don’t know where to turn, but I know I’m not alone, take care everyone.

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p.s. and yes to answer your question my spasticity is worse, my legs feel like the tin man and when I’m in bed I’m as stiff as a board.

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Ha! Just out of standing under coldest shower possible for three minutes. Felt I could have stayed under there for hours!

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Thanks Greenhouse!

Cold showers are great. Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood!



Yes I know it’s not about pseudo relapse but it’s still a good thing to show people so they understand. Most people will be reminded by their school physics and that an uninsulated wire will transmit better the colder it is. Demyelination is like taking any insulation off your electrical wire, therefore any increase in temperature makes it much worse. Simples!

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