DMD AND TYPE 1 Diabetic

Hi All , I was diagnosed with RRMS last year and I am also type 1 Diabetic for almost 40 years (age 50 now).

At my recent MS review meeting it was suggested that I start some medication due to sensory relapses , luckily which have resolved.

I am meeting with my MS specialist nurse on Wednesday this week to discuss the options ,she has suggested an injection every 2 weeks but my choice would be tablets due to doing 4-5 injections per day already . Has anyone any experience of the the options I have mentioned and any side effects they had .

many thanks ,Jillx

Hi Jill, I’m also type 1 of over 50 years and have taken the option not to take any medication due to the potential side effects. Instead I’m going to try high doses of biotin to see if that helps.

I would be very interested to know how you get on with any DMDs and diabetes control.

Thanks for your reply Horsemad, last year no mess was suggested for me too , had mri scan 2 weeks ago showing nothing new or active which was good as a baseline , so will need to think seriously about it as I’ve kept well with no diabetic problems so far x