Direct payments

Hi , does anyone know the maximum hours of direct payments ? Currently my wife is getting 22 hours a week , after a confusing conversation with the social worker I’ve been told there is a max amount of hours and after that they would look for a home for her to go in? I obviously do not want this to happen but we do need more care hours ? I need to know what the threshold is so we can try for that amount rather than them wanting to place her in a care home ?

Oooo this is a bugbear of mine!

I have been on DPs 9 years and have had to up my hours due to worsening issues and abilities over the years.

I am currently on 27 hours and 2 sleepovers.

I had a new assessment last October…it took 3 months and almost sent me do-lally. The social worker was quite sneaky in the way she questioned me and hubby and tried to reduce my hours. I actually did lose 1 hour, plus my respite funding by 2/3rds. I`m now told if I want a break, it has to be in a nursing home and not a holiday with a carer as before.

Continuing health Care was called into the proceedings as the council wanted contributions for my care. They agreed to pay half. I also pay £40 a week myself.

This telling you your wife may need to go in a care home is scaremongering and I am positive it cant be right. I feel you need to make enquiries about this.

I know of people who have more care than I do and have not been told there is a maximum.

Have you googled it?

I am angry for you.Please keep in touch
