Depression and Trying to make….something

Such a pity that Whynstones shut. Its failings sounded minor in comparison to schools I can think of that remain open-but-terrible. The people I know who went to Steiner schools are probably the most creative, effective and open-minded people I know. We could do with a bit more of that, couldn’t we?

Blimey! You go through life without coming across anyone who knows about Steiner schools and then two turn up at the same time! I was at Wynstones for just 4 years ( in the mid - late 1960s) but something did stay with me. I know that part of the philosophy is that children develop different aptitudes / strengths / outlooks as they grow and to some extent the ‘curriculum’ is tailored accordingly. Developing the child as a whole i guess e.g a child’s artistic abilities would be used in Geography. Also, formal exams did tend to be taken later than at state schools ( which probably didnt go down well with Ofsted). It all suited me at my age at that time - although it was a bit of a culture shock when i left and joined a state school in ‘O Levels’ year and the ‘artistic ‘ side of things disappeared completely

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That must’ve felt more like the expulsion from the garden of Eden than a simple change of schools!

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SHAME YOU could have popped down to see me lol. i live 3 miles away from stroud. xxxx we have very similar life.

the person i knew was very intelligent and has an amazing job and earns really good money now after steiner. i didnt dislike their teaching i just think ofsted dont have a clue, look at all the children who leave school now cant even write or read. its disgusting. when i worked in the community i worked with young peope who were sooooooo bored they just misbehaved in school, so i taught them a different way more suited to the outside world and suriving. one girl didnt even know what SALUTATION meant when i asked her to fill in a form for a job, and she had exams. jeez honestly. they have no idea how to survive in the real world at all. I was teaching 17 year olds how to use a computer for goodness sake, basic things and how to have a bank account, how to run a budget. we did exams simple ones but each one had hidden within the curriculum english and maths. we did shopping, cooking all kinds of things. I would give them some money and they had to make a meal in a strict budget etc. i didnt think there was anything wrong with steiner at all. i knew a few from wynstones as it wasn’t far from where i worked.

It’s sometimes a small world! The collective birthday lunch is in Michinghampton Common.

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Wouldn’t go as far as Garden of Eden but it was certainly a world of narrower horizons. Suddenly it was one in which boys chatted about football matches and scores. Nothing wrong with football but it sometimes felt as if that was the only topic. Can’t remember what we talked about at Wynstones but it most definitely wasn’t football



Since Wynstones has closed another school on that site called Valley Bridge iss opening September 2024 and it’s an independent specialist school providing individualised tailored programmes of students each being the architects of their future.

The get together is Minchinhampton Common.

Pam x

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Well! curious and curiouser still Are you Jonah’s (Jonathan) wife? If so, then hello :grinning:

No I’m not…but hello anyway.

Pam x

love the common its lovely up there with the dog ad whynstones ice cream. when my kids were young we went up there in the winter when it snowed and they had fun going down a hill on their sledges lol.

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I’m really sorry to hear about your situation. My grandpa’s health and mood have taken a huge toll on both of us. What helped me was a counselor who understood my chronic illnesses and mental health issues. For stress relief, I’ve also started vaping RAZ 25000.