COuld there be any chance the Covid vaccine could cause MS, a couple of places on the internet said there could be a link. Is that just crazy conspiracy theory or could there be some truth, Did the number of new MS cases increase after COvid or did they stay the same, l guess if someone looked at those numbers it would prove it one way or the other
Not according to the professor of neurology at Barts.
“The small number of incident MS cases presenting after vaccination have had pre-existing old lesions suggesting MS predating them receiving the vaccine. Therefore, it is doubtful that COVID-19 vaccines cause MS or even act as a trigger of MS.”
thats good, it would have been dreadful if the covid vaccine caused my MS, because l didnt want to have the vaccine, l felt l was forced to have it
It was probably just as well that you did though, the slightest bit of a lurgy causes chaos for my MS. Anything that causes the immune system to get going is a nightmare.
You need to keep the immune system as quiet as possible.
Hi. I thought the vaccine caused me to have MS. I never had any problems until I had the vaccine, I was forced to have it as I worked in care homes at the time, and all my problems started about a few years after, then I got diagnosed with MS the end of last year. It’s hard to tell but I won’t or haven’t had any more vaccines since, not even the flu Jab.
yes l think my MS lesions started formed a year or two after l had the vaccine, l think something in it screws up the immune system but we can never prove it, its not normal to have some chinese bat virus vaccine injected into you, l am angry with the government forcing us to have it, it was a human rights crime
For what it’s worth- I definitely would not stop having vaccines. By far the majority of people with MS across the world including the UK were diagnosed before Covid reared its nasty little head and before the vaccine.
MS is an autoimmune condition and you definitely don’t want some infection causing your immune system to go into attack mode resulting in not just attacks on the Covid or flu virus but, critically, in more attacks and damage to your brain and rest of nervous system.
I know this from bitter experience when, after spending 3-4 days in close contact with someone who later said that their cough was actually Covid. My wife and I had been staying at a small lodge on a wildlife watching trip run by a couple who were our daily guides ( trips in their minivan ) and prepared all our meals . Inevitably, I and my wife both developed Covid and , in spite of the antivirals, I suffered a bad MS flare up, couldn’t walk at all for the best part of a week , took the best part of a year to get over Covid and my MS became worse.
This is just a plea to you. Please resist any temptation to put two and two together and get 5. And see my reply to @Justme1
Thinking further to my earlier reply and to @jjim335 , just like probably everyone else when they are first diagnosed I’ve experienced that period of turmoil and the horrible feeling of ‘this can’t be happening to me, why me?’ I was a pretty successful normal fit and healthy guy! Why me ? Then comes a period of grieving for a lost future and slow sad coming to terms with a new ‘normal’. And yes, a desire to find a cause for this unfair situation and ‘lost future’. To identify some single cause.
The sad fact , the reality is that as F Gump’s T shirts said ‘xxxx happens’. We MS folk have something in our genes that makes our brain and nervous systems susceptible to attacks by our very own but slightly faulty immune system which recognises our brain as ‘alien’ and to be attacked.
It could be that something in particular triggers an already primed immune system to start the attacks, or equally it could be that nothing more than day to day stresses and strains cause this to happen. In terms of ‘triggers’ the Epstein Barr virus (which the big majority of people get infected with) seems to be one strong candidate.
I know the feeling of wanting to find something external to blame for having MS but across the world, billions and billions of people had their first and subsequent annual Covid jabs, yet , in spite of these billions of billions of vaccinations, there has been no world increase in the annual number of new cases of MS.
I personally believe there is absolutely no link to MS and the COVID jab.
I think there is a case for Stress and EBV and in previous newsletters Prof G. has discussed this.
Have a good day.
but is it the case the 99% o the population has stress and EBV, so both are impossible to avoid