Cladribine VS Tysabri

Hello all,

I was diagnosed with RRMS in 2015 and have since been through Tecfidera and Cladribine as treatments, four weeks or so ago I had my MRI to see how I was doing before next round of Cladribine and it showed I’ve had another relapse so said it was an option for me to change onto Tysabri if I wanted, but my doctor wanted me to try another year of Cladribine.

After explaining Tysabri I was quite nervous of the idea of switching, Cladribine allows me to think little of my MS and get on with my life, while having to go to the hospital once a month as well as all the added potential medical issues with the PML is nerve wracking to say the least.

This year has been mentally difficult, the depression that comes with MS has been grinding me down and Cladribine requires three months shielding (even though my nurse said the company itself that makes Cladribine says shielding shouldn’t be necessary but they recommend it anyway) the idea of being able to go for a walk or see a friend without being terrified of dying should anyone sick cross my path, is so very appealing.

So I’m here asking for input from the wider community, Cladribine VS Tysabri? Has anyone been on both? Is it worth the risk?

Any opinions or input greatly appreciated.
