Went for my first yearly appointment with my Neurologist yesterday. I have been on Copaxone since I was diagnosed last year, but recently I have been finding it increasingly painful in most of my injection sites. Also had a really bad reaction to a dose last week. I also have lipoatrophy - most noticeable at the tops of my legs. After explaining all this to the neurologist she recommended stopping the Copaxone and starting on Tecfidera.
So within the next few weeks (sooner rather than later I hope) i’ll be starting on Tecfidera. I have read lots of information on this site already about this medication and the potential problems. Hopefully i’ll have minimal reactions to it and Tec and I will get on like a house on fire. I eat well at the moment and will have no problem sandwiching the tablet between various amounts of food.
BUT - I am giving you all fair warning - I might be having a moan/looking for advice very soon!