Morning all … I’ve havent posted in a long time as my symptoms almost went away just the odd thing here and there. Anyway about 7 weeks ago I noticed that my toes on my right foot can’t bend or bend upwards if I was to bend them myself they can do that but unless I physically do it they can’t bend it’s not sore although I’ve noticed when I’m running it feels numb and strange as though I have to really concentrate on moving my foot. The doctor diagnosed me with FND 12 months ago not MS although my mum has MS and I also believe I do , I’m due to see a neurologist in 3 weeks I think she thinks there’s nothing wrong
Hey I can bend mine up but can’t bend them down but my right leg is doing lots of mad crazy things
Just tried that and your spot on, my toes won’t curl down using a pointed object, strange…
Could you clarify on how to do the babinski as this does nothing when done to my foot. My big toes have been numb on the outside part for a couple years and I can’t bend my left toe down like my right toe
I have a muscle wasting condition inclusion body myositiy IBM , but this is different as noticed I can not bend my tose downwards on both feet but can been them upwards i’ve been told its mite be nerve damage ? any help I sure I could always bend my tose at age 35 -40 but have not taken much notice of it. I am age 60