biotin medDAy results are in

biotin medDAy results Are in i cant post link but very promising, just type medDAy biotinnTrial in search box on the internet x

hi zoe

very interesting reading.

encouraging for progressive msers.

thanks for sharing

carole x

Very interesting! Thank you for posting :slight_smile: x

There’s so few things for progressive MSers, it’s great to see some positive news on the subject. It’s very recent though. So recent in fact that my neurologist wasn’t aware of it last week, and he’s considered THE leader in MS in the UK.

He did, however, inform me that there are trials ongoing into the current DMDs for effectiveness data on progressive MS.

He also said, in a rather coy way, that there is a remyelinating drug to be announced by Biogen very soon. He said it was to be announced at a convention next week so it’s probably OK for him to say.

anti-LINGO-1 was for use in optic neuritis for reducing the thinning of the optic nerve.

Perhaps it will be the same drug with the added bonus of having been found to remyelinate in other areas. Good news.