Being admitted

So I’m home :slight_smile: with a diagnosis of Functional Disorder. Which is pretty much a polite way of saying Psychosomatic. So I guess I am crazy after all and don’t deserve to be on here :frowning: thanks for all your advice and support x

Oh honey. That’s a bit pants. But please don’t think you don’t deserve to be here, your advice and support are invaluable to people like me who have not had a diagnosis. And one other thing, you are not crazy. Having just looked into functional disorder, it is clear it is a very distressing and disabling condition which fortunately, you can get help for. Please stay with us. Just cos you haven’t got ms, doesn’t mean you don’t need the help and support this forum offers. You will need to vent about your family anyway. Much love. Angela. X X

Hi sweetie. I just looked it up too and on Wiki it says it’s not psychosomatic, as they list that as s separate group of illnesses, and it lists CFS as an example of a Functional Disorder so make sure you follow up and try and get a more specific diagnosis. If what I read is correct, it’s still a very real thing. Hang in there chick xxx

Don’t worry my neuro guy tried to say its all in my head for me to go see a private doctor to be told something completely different so keep hoping that someone will listen x

It’s definitely a real thing! See here Good advice on explaining to people etc on that site C x

Hi Littlekit, Just wanted to say hang on in there. I was given a preliminary dx of functional disorder before i was dx with ms. I thought that meant I was crazy too, but I did lots of reading up on it and that is not what it means at all. Have a good look at the link and stay talking to us here. Look after yourself. Laura x

Helps if i add the link!!! x

Your not at all crazy. Don’t you dare leave us, we’re all here to support you hun. Keep fighting for a narrower explanation. There is still lots within that title. Your symptoms are still real and relevant xx

Thanks guys :slight_smile: I’m feeling a bit better this morning. Had a massive meltdown last night cos mum said this just confirms what she said about it all being in my head. Looking forward to the neuropsychologist appointment now to try to get to the bottom of it x

It’s not all in your head. It’s an actual condition where the nervous system isn’t working properly. I’m sure you can ask for a neurological examination review from time to time or if new symptoms develop. Maybe a second opinion?

Hi, you hang in there. Just think about it Neuro illness are a minefield of discovery. I read a report the other day about Functional Disorder from a well respected Austrailian Neuro who was now making this complaint his field. He said that whilst generally this meant that they couldn’t give patients a ‘label’ for their illness it certainly didn’t mean that they were not ill or that it was in their heads. As he explained years ago well documented illness such as MS, Lou Gherics and Issacs disease would have been called Functional disorder as doctors didn’t know what they were until the necessary research was done. Just think in a couple of years we may have the ‘LittleKit Sydrome’ [ hope that made you smile] Ignore any doubters you know how you feel and nobody would wish these symptoms on their selves and it is impossible to ‘act out’ overactive reflexes etc.

Don’t give up and keep asking the medical teams for reviews as utterchaos says, as there will be a time when the final piece of the jigsaw fits into place.

Take care

Helen x