I saw the MS nurse on Friday and she went through all the different types of DMD’s with me. I think I’ve narrowed it down to the Avonex pen or Rebismart. I know for sure that I don’t want to manually inject. Just the thought gives me the heeby jeebies! I quite like Avonex because it’s only weekly but not sure if I like the idea of having to inject into a muscle. I like the Rebismart because it’s a gadget ( which I always like) and it’s subcutaneous. It also looks very easy to use. But the downside of that one is three times a week. Copaxone had a scary sounding and looking auto-injector, but less side effects.
Gosh, it’s so difficult to decide!! The MS nurse is on study leave most of next week so I’ve got to leave a message for her on which one I would like. Then 3-4 weeks to get it delivered etc. Then I’m on holiday from 7th July for a week so I’ll probably be starting which ever one I decide on after that. I had some base line bloods done on Friday as well.
HI Lindylou62 I started on Copaxone on Thursday and that was I was worried about the sound it makes when injecting thought I might jump but have used it twice already and haven’t jumped at all and never felt a thing honest just a wee sting after but nothing unbearable, I’m glad I chose it now although it’s each day I’m doing mines before bed and the plus side less side effects than the others suits me. I hope you chose one which will suit your needs and I’m sure you’ll get in well with it
Hi Lynne,
your right it is a difficult decision, I took forever but eventually decided on Avonex, purely because I work mon-fri and taking an injection once a week doesn’t seem too intrusive to my life. Everyone has different reasons for their choice and there is a site www.msdecisions.org.uk which may help you choose, if you’ve not already found it that is.
Best of luck and take care
Jenna x
I chose Avonex like Jenna I work full time and also have two young children so was worried about side affects. I also thought that if I chose the lowest DMD I would have other options to move too. However, other people may have thought differently in that if Avonex hadn’t worked they had delayed relief from Rebif or Copaxone.
Not an easy decision to make, I am pleased with mine and my last scan in Dec showed no new lesions after 3 months of meds.
Good Luck with your decision.
Hi Lynne,
I used the MS Descisions site too. I eventually decided on the Rebif as there is some thought that injecting more frequently may have more effect. I inject Mon, Weds and Fri and I am so speedy at it now, I can do it while sorting young kids, cooking etc and not really notice. Side effects have been minimal and I have been working with no problem. Good luck with making your decision. It isn’t easy!