Are we close to a cure/effective treatment

I’m 25 and just diagnosed with PPMS, I seem to be going downhill fast and I’m terrified. My right side is weak but my arm is worse than my leg. Has anyone experienced this?

I haven’t even had kids yet :frowning: I’m scared I’ll be bed bound soon.

Does anyone think that we are close to remyelination/neuroprotection? I’m terrified and feel hopeless. Wish these scientists would hurry up!

please help

I’m 66 and only dx’d with PMS before Christmas… expecting a second P, eventually…

There is a great deal of research going on at the moment and it does sound exciting, but nothing will be released to us patients until it has been thoroughly tested… mice are a good indicator, but not conclusive…!!!

Your job, and mine, and others on this forum, is to keep our bodies as fit and healthy as we possibly can, with diet and exercise, so when medications are available, we will benefit the most…

Oh… I sound quite cheerful, don’t I…??? Not always true… yo-yo springs to mind…!!!


Whats PMS Anne,i have not heard of that one the ones i know of are RRMS (relapsing remitting)PPMS (Primary progressive)SPMS (secondary progressive) and PRMS(Progressive relapsing)

Thank you Anne, trying to keep hope! I wish Ocrevus was available here. I hope it gets approved Thanks for replying to me xx

I think Anne means that doctors are trying to determine whether she is SPMS or PPMS xx