Am I now Dyslexic?

I am now typing/writing things backwards or just mixing up the letters and missing words in a sentence. I am already very anal when it comes to grammar, punctuation, and spelling, and I’m irritating myself because I cannot seem to get it right now. I’m afraid that this may get worse, and that soon I won’t even notice the mistakes to correct them. My brain is doing some very strange things, and I wanted to share and see if anyone else experiences this?


Well your post is 100 pre tenc corict!



Well your post is 100 pre tenc corict!


[/quote] Thanks to spell check, and reading over the post a dozen times ha ha :slight_smile:

Hi Fi, (that’s cool) there could be a few things at play here as well as MS.As I’ve got older I’ve become more concerned with grammar,punctuation etc blah blah,seemingly as the rest of the world no longer gives a flying… Sometimes the drugs affect my cognitive abilities when it comes to Wordsmithery,and tiredness has an affect.

The up-side of such pedantry is that it is distracting, and right up until the script disappears into the Ether there is a sense of achievement.If there is a technical bitch the feelings change to rant/rage/stroke/hernia,so best be aware of the possibilities.If you’re worrying about posting un-checked stuff don’t,'cos there are people like yourself who will provide a knowing “Tut Tut”

Bye Fi,

Wb x <(L)>

ps I am not suggesting for one moment that you are getting older or partaking in middle aged decrepitude

Me too :frowning:

I’ve caught myself typing it’s instead of its and I even put an apostrophe on a plural the other day :frowning:

Depressing :frowning:

This is something I’ve noticed the last few days funnily enough…

I’ve always been a rotten typist (I get all the letters down but not necessarily in the right order) - I deal with figures all day and at the moment I’m tranferring a lot of data from one place to another so I’m writing down figures and I keep writing them in the wrong order! I know I’ve done it straight away as I ‘know’ the figure in my head so as soon as I see what I’ve written I know it’s wrong. I don’t think I’m a liability just yet as I realise the moment I’ve done it but it’s frustrating

I pride myself on my accuracy and I’m self-employed so I really can’t afford to start messing up, my professional indemnity has never been claimed on yet But I am starting to get a little bit nervous about it.

Oh, and if there’s any letter p’s missing from that, it is honestly because my ‘p’ key is sticky

Sonia x

FWIW, I find that i make two distinct forms of typo:

1 - I hit the wrong key (very scary when you actually see it happen).

2 - I do not hit a key hard enough.

Either can produce some very strange looking text - but this is not dyslexia (generally agreed to be a failure to recognise the characters).


I have this problem alot and i am only 26. In my head the words all make sense but it allcomes out jumbled and letters come out backwards or miss letters out


I have this problem alot and i am only 26. In my head the words all make sense but it allcomes out jumbled and letters come out backwards or miss letters out

[/quote] I’m the same. I see words that should but aren’t there. I only realise when somebody points it out, or reads it back to me. Very embarrassing.

I get words, spellings and telling the time confused. I feel like such a nitwit.I worry that people will think I’m either drunk or stupid.

i`m awlays getting my mucking words fuddled!


i spend ages typing it out, making sure its righgt and then it doesnt post, vewy vewy iwetating…