I’ve had some minor tingling since 36 I am now 39. In 2022 a very stressful cancer scare caused two days of odd symtpoms, feeling hot, sweating tingling, buzzing, headaches etc
My Dr said it was stress I was so bad I had an ambulance out. It cleared up, test results for cancer were negative.
Then two weeks after all my symptoms began
dizzyness since subsided,
tinnitus - permanent
electric shocks
mood swings
behaviour changes
feelings of grandeur
neuropathic itching
pins and needles only happened once
digestive issues
excess flatulence to the point of frustration
muscle twitches
tremor in one finger
sleeping too much or not at all
forgetfulness, trouble working things out, unable to make decisions
There’s more too but that is an idea of what I suffer from
Nearly all come and go except tinnitus some never came back,
I had three neuros, a private GP all tell me there’s isn’t anything on three mris of brain and spine
My evoked potentials and somatoe potentials came back negative.
My brother has restless leg and dystonia which worries me but my Dr says that is unrelated to my issues
No chronic health or inherited illnesses in family I know of
I have had therapy and meds but made no real difference. I am in a better place but can’t help but feel this seems like MS
I haven’t had a lumbar and I am not recommend one unless they really feel something is wrong.
So I am FND and I’d except it if it wasnn’t for the the fact that I tingiling and shiver sensations two years before this.
So why is it if MS has lesions etc does it take years to get diagnsoed?
I am stil searching at one point I was fearing huntingtons disease due to psychiatric issues. It’s clear my brain is upset or not working right,