I should think they might want to see you sooner than August, if you’ve developed a new symptom.
I’m not suggesting anything dreadful would happen to you if you did leave it, but for it to count towards diagnosis, they will probably want to evaluate you whilst it’s still happening, not for you to wait until it’s gone away, and then report it as past history.
Sorry, I misread your remarks about the “travel adventure”. I am so used to people describing their diagnosis as “a journey”, that on first reading, I assumed that’s what you meant.
In fact, your meaning was more literal - you’re actually abroad at the moment?
You clearly still have internet wherever you are so might it be possible to contact GP or consultant by email, to ask advice?
I do think, in an ideal world, they ought to be seeing you sooner, but if you are literally on the trip of a lifetime, and explain that, they may be able to advise how crucial they think it is that you should cut short your trip.
You may be lucky, and they say: “That won’t do any harm; check in as soon as you’re home!”
Did you get specialist travel insurance to cover neuro-related stuff?
Yes, I am currently travelling around Europe and only have limited internet access. Having thought things through I have decided that I wouldn’t want to cut the trip short; I will be coming back in three months and I want to enjoy my travels while l can. I do appreciate your response though and I will of course seek treatment should anything else more serious happen.
Hi. Can anyone shed any light on my very annoying symptoms? Started nearly 6 years ago with numbness in left side of my face. Spread to various parts of my body hands and arms mostly affected. Gradually eased off over many months but wouldnt say feeling had returned to normal! I now have numbness in face, both hands, big toe and various other places again. The most annoying thing is I can only taste on the very edges of my tongue, the roof of my mouth feels odd to. my sense of smell is affected to. I suffer with cluster/migraine headaches. And have Joint hypermobility syndrome. When I first had symptoms I had a mri scan that showed no major abnormalities! I feel like im going mad and would really appreciate any advice people can offer. Thanks in advance.
I have been suffering for over 6 months a list of symptoms, severe muscle and joint pain in the top half of my body, the constant need to urinate, chronic fatigue, constipation, vision problems to name but a few. I have had full bloods taken a number of times which have all come back clear. I had another Dr appointment Monday where I saw a different Dr. I expressed my concerns about MS but was told that for all I have a number of symptoms I do not have dramatic weight loss which my Dr would have expected to see so she said she would rule out MS. I have not seen weight loss on any of the symptom lists, is this something other sufferers have experienced??
I am looking to go for a private referral as I feel I am getting nowhere with my Dr. I feel like the Dr thinks I am making it up and it is all in my head.
Hi Tessa1971 - I have just said to someone else on site that I left surgeries (gp & neuro) many times wondering if they thought it was all in my head! I was initially told that I was “too old” for my symptoms to be ms, for which I was relieved, but as I thought back, many of my symptoms had started in early 30s and I just hadn’t connected them. Like you, I have never heard of Weight loss being mentioned as a symptom, but the symptoms seersucker varied that perhaps some folks suffer from it. Rushing forward 5.5 years to two days ago when my (very pleasant) neuro dropped in to our conversation that he was going to start treatment my ms now and began to name drugs. I had to stop him & asked if he had actually diagnosed my problem!! I had a clear Lp 5 years ago and some scarring on my brain, but again they put it down to age. I had lots of symptoms some of which were /are similar to your own. My VEPs & SEPs were borderline 4 years back & at my last appointment I asked if they could be repeated. They have been and have now passed over the limits. I’m still waiting for a further brain scan of the grey matter. I wouldn’t be ‘pushy’ & accepted what I was told for years. Last appt was the first time that is asked for something to be repeated. I’m one way I’m relieved to be diagnosed as it’s RRMS so treatment is starting soon to slow down these flare ups, but it’s not the answer is have chosen. I think it reaches that point though where you just want to know - regardless of what they tell you. So, hang in there and don’t give up. It has taken me 5.5 years now (apart from the earlier problems) and a colleague of my husband’s waited 7 years for diagnosis. Don’t worry about feeling that it’s all in your head - I’ve been there too. Eventually someone will connect the dots. Let me know how you get on & Terry to stay positive. Aliga x