Advice on variant

Obviously with this new variant around and doom and gloom setting in again, just wondering if anyone has changed their behaviour. Boosted so relatively confident but at the same time on Tysabri so want to avoid infection where I can.

I have been at home with a really bad chest infection which was stubborn to clear but think I am getting there now. I was due to have my tysabri on monday but as I was still on antibiotics they would not do it. I am booked for tomorrow as antibiotics finished now.
I was actually speaking with the nurses while at the hospital and they said nobody really knows about this new variant so we should be careful.
I really was ignorant to the fact that tysabri does kinda leave us open to infection.
I have never experienced anything like this chest infection and hope I don’t again.
Everypone take care, stay safe amd a vey Happy Christmas to you all.
Mary x

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Darned right. Not wanting to miss a monthly Tysabri date makes me even more cautious than I would have been otherwise, and I am plenty cautious by nature anyway. I do sometimes feel like the only sinner in the place who has got the memo about keeping spaces well ventilated. If you see a late middle-aged lady with a limp opening the windows, that will be me. And don’t bother complaining about the cold: it’s not my problem if you forgot your jumper. :slight_smile:

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Absolutely! You are so right, every window in the house open for a while.I am smiling here with the image of you doing the window opening and loving the answer you have, not my fault they forgot their jumper!! Brilliant.
All the very best

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Got my tysabri today so all is well.

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