Advice on Appeals

Hiya! I hope all is good x

I was just wondering if anyone knows what happens when you go for your appeal?

Also is it just me going mad or the letters they send you all the time, you see the job centre saying there part and most of it you never said at all, almost like a lie…

Thanks guys


Hi Nina,

I attended many appeals (DLA) when I was a Trustee and everyone I went to received a maximum award. I am not saying it was me that got them a higher award; far from it. I think because I was introduced to the board as a ‘Trustee of the MS Society’ it gave a certain gravitas that you mean business.

Unfortunately I was told off for doing this but you will see below the DIAL address who I believe will attend; very important someone goes with you.

The DLS website has free advice on appeals and all manner of topics.

You can appeal by ringing 0800 882200; you will then receive all the correspondence from your doctors so will see who is to blame. It is invariable your Neuro or GP who are being scarce with the truth: the DLA assessor can only go on what’s in front of them. Sorry to say ATOSers are now involved they seem to be reading from a different hymn book.

The answers below are occurrences doctors would not know about. It is far better to attend a hearing but you can ask for one in your home (bit self destructive if your not badly affected) or a reconsideration (bit pointless as they have already made a decision).

At the appeal there are 3 people asking questions, a doctor, solicitor and social services agent. Don’t worry there usually very nice and make you feel at home.

Just a few ideas of the way you should answer the questions.

While hobbling along the High Street I keep near to the shops. This aids me in two ways; I am less likely to fall into the road and I can stop and look in shop windows to get a rest. I can testify that Ann Summers has the best window display, lol.

To get High Rate you must show you need help during the night. Say something like, “I get up 2/3/4 times per night to go to the toilet, sometimes to no avail.” “My wife has to accompany me; this takes about 45 minutes each time and obviously breaks her sleep.” “It’s amazing just knowing she is there gives me so much confidence.” “She has to accompany me because once I fell over and slept where I lay that night, good job it was the middle of summer and warm.”

Contact DIAL who will come around your house and help with the forms. Or Benefits and work who give excellent advice costs £19.40 per year. The DLS give excellent free advice it is essential you get help.

The hearing lasts about 20 minutes and then you are asked to go to another room. Another 20 minutes and then you are asked back in and told the result. It is very important to have someone attend with you.

This is all very good advice thankyou :slight_smile: I am unsure they will be able to help me now tho as my appeal is 17th Jan :frowning:

This is for ESA so it has always been a long fight against ATOS for 2 years infact…

I told them in Nov that I was going away for 4 weeks so I wouldn’t be around but they still sent the letter out so I have only just got the letter now and have to be ready by 17th jan! unfair.