Hello everyone. I’m still on a Humira withdrawal and I went to see Neuro as I think I told you. I get a letter from him today, just one you get that the doc gets to update and it’s mentioned possible problems with my Temporal Lobe. This wasn’t even mentioned at my appointment. So he’s referred me for another EEG, they phoned me today and I’m booked for the 14th October. That was quick : )
im feeling a bit fed up and out of it today. I can’t even put my finger on what it is. I’m knackerred and feeling fatigued, so maybe it’s that. I’ve got to go back to Orthotics tomorrow to get my foot thing for the foot drop. Apparently my foot isn’t lifting as it should, I also have intermittent foot drop, so this thing that I’m getting is a little thing that fits around the ankle and attaches to the laces on your shoe to keep the foot up.i don’t need to wear it all the time, just when I need to walk a bit of distance apparently.
Thats me. I hope you are all doing alright. Xx