I was last on the list and he was running 90 mins late, but no matter as he had been called away twice and even though I was last he still gave me the time I needed. We agreed that my urine retention and constipation were caused by my ms, I’m fine with the retention as I now self catheter and for the other besides Movicol he suggested 2 shredded wheat for breakfast each morning but he wouldn’t give me a prescription for them Has also given me Pizotifen for my morning headaches. Also said that there are a couple of drugs being trialed for Progressive and he can’t see that NICE would stand in the way of prescription as it will help reduce disability. Sorry can’t remember the drugs names, I’ll ask my wife later. So a good visit and back in 4 months which is a reduction on the usual 6 months. A good day R
Randolph you sound really positive which is lovely. Glad you had a good appointment, it’s reassuring when you leave having your questions answered and fears settled. I’d love to have the name of your tablet please do I can discuss it with my nurse when I see her in a month. Take care
Cath xx
Hi Randolph, So pleased he’s now decided your bowel and bladder problems are due to MS. Hope the new medications help you. I’d be especially interested to know how the headache tablets work. I have daily headaches but have never been offered anything to help. Glad to hear you’re feeling more positive. Best wishes, Nina x
thanks Cath and Nina. sorry Cath can’t remember the name but got the impression it was a couple of meds that have been used for other forms of ms which are now being trialed for ppms Nina - I’ll let you know in a few days when I’ve given them a few days to see how they work. sorry for the delay in my reply but I’m having a couple of poor days, and you know what us blokes are like…!
Randolph you never need to apologize for delays on here…we really do all understand! Nina x Cath, I think it’s probably high dose simvastatin that Randolph’s neuro was talking about…if you look up MS Smart trials I think there’s also a couple of others too but …as usual brain has gone numb and I can’t recall what they are! Nina x
Nina is correct in that they are doing trials on high dose Simvastatin, but that wasn’t one of the ones my neuro mentioned as I already take low dose Simvastatim and I’d have remembered that R