Two episodes of ON and long term prognosis

Hi, I was diagnosed with right sided optic neuritis in 2020 after noticing fuzzy vision by chance one day (neurologist said it looked like I had it for several months before I noticed it due to MRI results). Generally been fine for 4 years but then a few months ago I noticed blurry vision in left eye when running (right eye is ok but still worse than left eye and also gets blurry when running). I’ve had no other symptoms and didn’t even have pain in eye.
Going for second and seeing opthomologist aa neurologists aren’t sure what’s causing the sequential ON with 4 year interval that is relatively mild. I suspect it is MS but I am just wondering if this is quite a common set of flare ups for MS and if anyone has had a similar pattern of symptoms, how you have been since diagnosis and starting treatment.

It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about that. I had ON once. I recovered 80% of my vision in that eye. On is not a definite factor of MS but it can be. I think that 50% of people who experience MS may get diagnosed with MS within five years from the ON incident. Your doctor will need to administer more tests.