Trigeminal Neuralgia

My husband with PPMS has from Monday been having teeth pain. The dentist says his teeth are fine and she thinks it maybe Trigeminal Neuralgia. She has written to the GP to request medication. Has anyone got this problem and what do you take for it? Caz

Hubby been prescribed a epilepsy drug called carbamazepine.


i begged my dentist to take 2 teeth out-pain was unbearable. pain happened several times-he was reluctant, understandably!

but that was 7/8 yrs ago and i have no regrets. its never happened again.

hope the carbamazepine has some effect.



Lucky that he has a switched on dentist who spotted what the likely problem was. I hope that carbamazepine helps. I have not so far had the misfortune to have TN (everyone says it’s ghastly!), but I have had cambamazpine for shooting pains associated with MS in my body and found it really took the edge off.


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Hi Caz

i was put on Carbazipine but couldn’t tolerate it (increased weakness) then Oxycarbamazipine (same problem) and finally a Lamotrigine. Hope he gets sorted soon - the pain was so bad I was crying from hunger, air on my teeth,even sipping through a straw. The meds work fast if it’s TN but don’t work on normal teeth pain and if over the counter pain killers work- it’s definitely teeth- and again, it they don’t work, it’s TN.

Im an expert on it after scans MRI’s dentists, ortho dentists … . Sigh.

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Thanks all. It is strange how these things start up so quickly. Hoping the meds help…i have told the carers to make sure hubby gets help drinking as it hurts when he puts anything to his mouth. Luckily I am quick on the ball and notice these changes.

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yes the dentist was very good after knowing hubby had xrays a few months ago and all ok she was positive it was TN.

Thanks for your comments.

If hubby were mobile it may be an issue if it made him weak on his feet but hubby now housebound.

He was only on these since yesterday and no change as yet but I am hoping as he has been having one thing after another.

Every morning there’s numbness to my lips. It fades eventually and is replaced with sensation around the upper incisors. It feels like someone punched me in the mouth. I’m on tysabri, a monthly infusion. I was diagnosed three months ago and haven’t had any vertigo relapses since starting the infusions.


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Well it worked thank goodness. Made him very very drowsy the first few days. I am now wheening him off of them to see if it comes back. He was having one tablet twice a day. I am now doing one tablet every other day so far so good. At the end of this week I will stop them completely. If it starts back then i know he has to stay on them.

Well he is off the medication after I wheened him off them and 2 weeks and no more pain

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