Treatment for "mild" MS

Hi there. Fairly new to this forum as recently diagnosed by nurolagist as mild relapsing remitting ms. She didn’t say much on treatment but kept saying that the potential recomendatiom would be not treating it.

Just wondering peoples thoughts, is it worth leaving it and just monitoring it for awhile? Or would you start treatment in hopes of a better outcome long term??



Hi there
School of thought is if you have had more than one relapse then treatment is considered to reduce relapses and further disability
Have you had more than one ?

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Hiya Shelly, according to drs i hav’t had any instances of relapse, i’ve had ongoing symtoms though such as incontinence fatigue and pain all over and also struggle with the dexterity in my hands and migraines triggering numbness . They don’t seem to want to count these as “relapses” though. So am abit lost

Thanks for the reply! :slight_smile:

Why wait until you get worse, before starting treatment?

“In fact, the debate about early treatment and MS outcomes is so widely accepted that it has now has shifted from early access to DMTs to early access to highly effective DMTs, i.e. flipping the pyramid. It is clear that pwMS who are treated with more effective DMTs first-line do so much better than those who are asked to wait (watchful waiting) or are escalated gradually up the DMT ladder (slow escalation).”

Case study: does treating MS early improve survival? (


hi I only have mild ms at the moment. slightly numb on face.

but i start treatment next week.


Hiya TeddyBear1 what kind of treatment are you starting? If you don’t mind me asking? :slight_smile:

This is what I would want if I was newly dx instead of an old timer 20+ years in. As it was, I started the only available DMD straight away and only wish there had been something more effective available at the time.


Hi I am starting Brabio next week.

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@whammel - couldn’t agree more, but unfortunately it is still a bit of a lottery as to whether you have a Neuro who subscribes to this belief or not. There isn’t always an opportunity to see an alternative Neuro so sometimes you are stuck with the one given to you and they don’t take kindly to patients telling them what kind of treatments they’d like to try.