The longest wait it feels

Hi everyone, hope you’re all ok.

Had a MRI of brain and spine at the end of August. Going to see neurologist in a weeks time, but this has been instigated by myself.
Gone through medical insurance for this referral etc and I rang the hospital last week and asked for the follow up.

What I guess I’m asking is how long did you all wait for MRI results?

Lorna x

For me, the wait was about two weeks for MRI results, but it really depends on the hospital and how busy they are.

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Thank you. I’m nervous :flushed:

For me the wait was 6 weeks and it came back with urgent written all through it! They should only take 2 weeks so hopefully you will find out soon. I hope that the scans are clear for you, take care and try to keep occupied in the waiting period x

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One week from MRI to followup with neuro chappie. Dave

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Thank you. I’ve a feeling if I hadn’t called I might not of got an appointment.
Gone through private medical for this and got told at point of scan results reported on on 2 days.
Horrible this:-(

I was expecting the same. Just worried, I know you all know that feeling x

I had my MRI done in April, just had a lumbar puncture last week (which I’m still getting over). My follow up appointment is at the end of October. It all moves very slowly with the NHS and it’s a long time to be in limbo with it all.

My Nieces partner went privately and he’s had scans and a lumbar puncture and been told he’s all clear within a few weeks.

I feel like we are both at the same stage, it’s good to have sites like this where you’re not alone with it


Thank you for replying. Got follow up appointment next Tuesday, then I’m assuming they will transfer me back to NHS (that’s what he said)
I hate this limbo business it’s in the back of my mind all the time. How are you?
I’ve had a lumber puncture 8 years ago and agree not the best, horrible.
How did you come about all these tests?
Lorna x

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I’ve gone through the NHS from the beginning of the process. The neurologist just put me in for a lumbar puncture after our appointment which I got due to a MRI which ironically had nothing to do with MS symptoms. When it comes to the symptoms the gps have either just said ‘that’s weird’ ‘are you stressed?’ Or ‘are you feeling low?’. So it’s taken years and years to get anywhere with neurology!

The wait is very long. My follow up is the 28th of October and the initial neurology appointment was the end of July

But generally you need to ask your GP for what you want. So if you want a neurology referral, most of the time you will have to instigate it. It’s a bit backwards because you go to the doctors because you don’t know what’s wrong but really you have to take charge of your symptoms and care yourself in a way otherwise you end up on an endless road of prescriptions for symptoms and then medications for the side effects of the medication. Feel free to message me as well, I feel like we are at the same point and it’s nice to talk to someone in the same position :slightly_smiling_face:
Sarah x

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I have been waiting for results on brain MRI on the NHS coming up to 7 weeks. I asked them how long it would take and they told me 2-4 weeks the most. I have called hospital a few times to make sure my results didn’t get lost. I have a feeling I could be waiting awhile!
I hope you get your results soon. Nothing worse than waiting. X

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Sorry for delay been at work.
Yes it’s the worst all the waiting.
Part of me doesn’t want to know then I do. Just a feeling is telling me I have got it, trying to stay clear headed though. Where about in the country are you? I’m northwest x

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No it’s a horrible limbo time. I’m glad I’ve found this site as I feel no one else really understands x

I’m Northwest too!

I completely agree, I want to know, but also I’m scared of the result!
At the same time finally knowing what’s the matter will probably feel like a huge relief even if it’s MS because then you can move forward and take control (as much as you can). My cousin is doing really well and she was diagnosed years ago. Initially her symptoms were scary but she went through treatment and hasn’t had a relapse since. This makes me hopeful! Treatment had come along way since watching my grandma suffer with the disease. Support has also come a really long way since!

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Completely agree! Things have changed so much with research and medications. I know there is something not right and I’m trying to just keep thinking knowledge is the power to make positive change.
Im from near Preston.

I know a lady with MS and you would never know it. Positive stories are important x


I have family that way, I’m Cheshire East way.

When I first found out about the lesions I instantly had flashbacks of my grandmas fast decline and started to panic! Since then I’ve gone out my way to read up on other people’s stories. This website is brilliant! Came across it before it was recommended by the MS nurse.

Over the past few months I’ve learnt to accept that I won’t ever be 100% again (not that I ever felt I was but there was hope of a ‘cure’) but diet, exercise and stress management makes a huge difference! Also vitamin D in my case. Over the past few years I’ve also been cutting out foods that exacerbated my symptoms, so in a way I’ve been unknowingly following the recommendations.

Hopefully you get put onto the nhs without any trouble. My suggestion is that you email/phone to make sure everything is being kept up to date. My referral was sent off wrong to begin with, and I ended up sending the consultant the MRI results myself as they couldn’t get hold of my GP. I’ve had to ring/email on a regular basis to make sure I’m not getting lost in the system which unfortunately for me has happened quite a few times in the past couple of months. My biggest worry at the moment is that they lose my Lumbar puncture results because I will never go through that again! But with the way everything has been handled up until now it would be the icing on the cake!

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Can I ask what sort of diet you have found helps? My main symptoms are the walking which is worse if I’m hot or tired, it’s not like I can’t walk just like my leg is made of lead.
Not long till Tuesday now at least I suppose xx

100% helps! I know the feeling all too well. Not too long at all! I hope you get the answers you’re looking for :crossed_fingers:I had such a huge sense of relief when I was told my symptoms weren’t in my head and I hope the same for you and that there’s something they can do to help

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Thank you so much for your time in replying. I’ll be sure to let you know x