Tests for MS

Hi, i am currently being tested to find out if i have MS. Since february i have had blurred vision in my right eye and after many tests the MRI scan showed white lesions on my brain and scarring. I am now waiting to attend an appointment for a lumbar puncture test. I feel scared about this. I also wondered if anyone had experienced the same as me, the symptoms appeared whilst i was 18 years old. If i am diagnosed is it likely i will eventually have problems with walking etc over the years? Thanks, Amy.

hi amy

it does sound like you have ms. lesions on the mri indicate it.

the lumbar puncture isnt as scary as it sounds. it’s like an epidural so all the ladies who are too posh to push have them by choice.

after the lumbar puncture make sure that you lie flat for at least an hour. drink loads of water and cocacola (for the caffeine)

a bendy straw helps to drink when lying flat.

as far the likelihood of having walking difficulties, nobody knows but once you have your diagnosis you’ll be given an ms nurse who will advise you on walking, toiletting and anything else you are worried about. he/she might refer you to physiotherapy if you need it.

you are young and may be alright without physio.

just remember that ms isnt the end of the road just speed bumps as some other msers say.

good luck

carole x

Thanks Carole. Would you say taking nurofen afterwards would help to prevent the headache? I suffer with them a lot anyway so it wouldnt surprise me if i got one! I work in care and know some of my clients have ms and they are immobile so i didnt know if with only my eye being affected if it would happen to me too but i suppose your right, i can ask these questions and there are worse things. X

Amy, The guy who did my LP was such an excellent practitioner that it was a very positive experience. Just a sharp scratch for the local, some pressure for the LP and absolutely no headache. I lay flat for just an hour afterwards and then went home. No after effects at all! Hope yours goes well! Teresa xx

I often think that it must be scarier to be looking at an MS diagnosis for someone who works with very disabled people than someone who doesn’t simply because their experience of MS is all at the most severe end when the reality is that most people with MS aren’t actually that bad.

Will your MS (if it is MS) lead to walking difficulties? Chances are probably yes, some, eventually, but these may be very mild and not even require a walking aid and they may not happen for 20, 30 or 40 years, if at all. MS is just so variable, there is no way of knowing. I was fully able-bodied and very active from my first symptoms at the age of 19 through to a nasty relapse when I was 45. Since then I’ve used a stick and, for longer outings, a chair, but 26 years ain’t bad going and I can still do all sorts of things even if I can’t do taekwondo any more.

MS really isn’t the end of the world.

I hope the LP goes well and that you get some answers very soon.

Karen x