Report on efficacy of vitamin D supplements to prevent autoimune diseases.

Its been out a few weeks but this study provides strong evidence for the use of vitamin D supplements.

Thanks for that.

Medcram has just done a detailed look at that particular paper which may be of interest.


Thanks, very thorough analysis.

Real doctors say that it is all a fluke. There’s a lot of misinformation out there on the topic of vitamins. I hope you understand my feelings on vitamin supplements. I do NOT think vitamins are needed and that many marketing people are preying on your insecurities. I wanted to arm you with some knowledge of this information checkup on the supplement industry. Supplements don’t prevent, and they do nothing if you’re healthy. If your doctor says you need supplements cus you have very low levels of Vitamins D, then take them on from a Online Pharmacy US. If not, ignore them.


I’ve been on a high dose of Vit D for years. MS has not progressed at all, not everyone is the same but it seems to work for me.
