Referred for brain and cervical mri

Hi everyone I received a cancellation appt. to see neurologist today (already waited 13 weeks) and it went ok, although I felt a bit rushed tbh however I had written a list of main symptoms, dates occurred etc. He is referring me for brain and cervical MRI based on my history all I’ve come away with is asymmetrical reflexes and babinski test was positive. I know about babinski but could someone explain what asymmetrical reflexes are please?

Thank you in advance,


Well, rushed or otherwise, you clearly made a good job of getting your points across and, whatever your reflexes indicated to the neurologist (I’m not an expert and I’m not going to guess), there is enough going on for him to want to see what’s going on in there.

Everything that you sensibly could have done, you now have done. Best thing for you to do would be to now return your attention to other things, while the investigative process plays itself out. Easier said than done, I know. But keeping busy really can help.


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Hi Alison,

Thank you for your kind reply. Yes I’m going to try put things to back of mind as I feel at least I’ve got my points across and felt listened to at last.



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