Rant needed

I went for a neuro appointment last week, was told my MRI of the spine was clear. He then proceeded to tell me something had been found on my ovary and spent half the apointment discussing my ovary with me. Was sent for an emergancy scan yesterday on my ovary to be told my ovaries are fine At the the neuro appointment I was told to change my attitude that all my problems are in my head. Due to this I was embarrassed to take out my list of current problems, which are now mainly just spasms and pain in my legs, plus the feeling of water being splashed at me. He listened half hearted to some of what I managed to tell him then proceeded to tell me I need to up my dose of citrralpram. I was doing fine on what I was on until this arrogant t**t spoke to me the way he did. Today I phoned the royal London hospital and explained everything to them and they have told me to get an immediate referral to them as they end up getting loads of referrals from the hospital I attend. I’m so annoyed I have just wasted 4 months of my life letting this man tell me it’s all in my head. How can my muscles popping out of my body and random numbness and burning be in my head. Wish I’d been warned how arrogant this man is before I attended his clinic!!! X

Hi, no wonder you are livid…I dont blame you either!

Hope you dont have to wait too long for that referral.


Cheers poll, it’s all such a worry and I’m back to square one again now x

Hi again.

I was mis-diagnosed with PPMS, then given a different dx, then pushed back into PPMS and now told it is defo not MS at all.

Neuros can tie us in knots sometimes!


That must have been very annoying for you. So far I’m diagnosed with nothing but hypochondria lol x


Do you mind me asking what hospital you attended as it sounds pretty much like the initial neuro i saw over a year ago. he told me there was no reason why i couldnt walk and i should get better with physio. needless to say i am still waiting for the physios to come to my home (i can walk again btw, no thanks to them) this was at NGH- name and shame i say, the neuro didnt even order a lumbar puncture, to which i have still not had. and he referred me to phschiatry, im not crazy either…

The neuro i am seeing now isnt much better… 6 month recall and another episode inbetween.

Desperate for some help, i have a long story but i wont bore you any more, was just interested in who it was…

Hi shezza yeah I’m currently at broomfield hospital in Chelmsford. Wish it was the same as we could have put in a complaint together. I was wondering if anyone else was attending here. I have also not been offered a lumbar puncture, nor have I had the blood tests to rule out other things. Sounds like you’ve had an even worse time than me, it is so frustrating. I don’t get why some neuros are like this. Hope you eventually get some answers x

Hello fellow folks of MS

I’m here to learn all I can about what is going on with my health & what MS is. I feel sorry for anyone who suffers & if we share symptoms, medications, hope & support one another we can all get through this nightmare.

From what I’ve experienced personally. I started having odd simptoms 6 years ago. 3 years ago I was diagnosed as having Vertigo. That diagnosis just got worse & worse to a point I couldn’t walk at all. I was told to just keep working. One day I was pulled over by the Police & accused of dangerous driving. Then accused of being drunk because I kept falling over. The stress of that incedent has caused me to almost go blind. My list of symptoms is endless & 6 days ago I was diagnosed with MS. I have every symptom & more that I’ve heard of so far. Hopefully I can get some help now but people just assume I’m on drugs or drunk when I slur when talking & fall over. It’s so frustrating.

After putting a Hulk screen saver on my PC & starting to excersize more I feel a lot better. Eating healthy foods, taking a milti vitamin every day & trying not to stress. Things seem better. I do wish I could walk though. Being without the use of a car after 20 years of driving is causing me a lot of problems, especially with all these appointments.

Another seriously overlooked problem has been the financial worry as things spiral out of control. Seeing celebrity supporters & all those with no finanial worries doesn’t help but all causes need financial help. Even though I have no money & debilitating problems I will do all I can to raise awareness & funding. MS is not easy to live with.

If anyone out there wants a sculpture produced, a music production, T-shirts or anything creative to promote this cause. Drop me a line. I wont go out without a fight for what is right.

Hi novation sorry I can’t be of any help to you as I haven’t a clue what is going on with my situation at the moment. Hopefully other people can help you or if you get no replies to this maybe start a new thread, best wishes x

I’ve been told from my initial appointment could be MS could be psychological. MY GP surgery when i rang told me my brain MRI was normal. The neuro however said she wouldn’t rely on reports she will check the images herself and compare to one i had a couple of years ago. I asked her how could something psychological cause pins and needles, numbness and stiffness, loss of dexterity, extreme fatigue to name but a few and a abnormal neuro exam. Oh and a raised ESR blood test constantly.Im waiting to see her again in march as at the appointment last month she said she didn’t know about any of these symptoms other than blackouts and seizures. so who knows, it’s frustrating.

I’ve been told from my initial appointment could be MS could be psychological. MY GP surgery when i rang told me my brain MRI was normal. The neuro however said she wouldn’t rely on reports she will check the images herself and compare to one i had a couple of years ago. I asked her how could something psychological cause pins and needles, numbness and stiffness, loss of dexterity, extreme fatigue to name but a few and a abnormal neuro exam. Oh and a raised ESR blood test constantly.Im waiting to see her again in march as at the appointment last month she said she didn’t know about any of these symptoms other than blackouts and seizures. so who knows, it’s frustrating.

Always keep in mind that the only people who can really diagnose psychological problems are Clinical Psychologists and Psychiatrists.


Hi doctor Geoff thanks for reply. I am being referred to a neuro psychiatrist so hopefully they can tell me if it’s psychological which I would be really happy if it was but I’m not convinced it is x