Preparing for assessment Qs

I’m waiting for DWP to call. I submitted my paperwork at least 12 month ago and my condition has deteriorated a bit.
I want to be prepared. What would you all recommend? I have to hand in the way of evidence?
Ppms, diagnosed in 2022. Male, 54.

As much medical evidence as you can get documenting your worsening symptoms from your MS nurse, Neurologist, Physiotherapist, Psychologist, and/or any other health professionals you have seen.
I’m waiting to hear from DWP having submitted documentation for my review.
Take care and fingers crossed all goes well for us both .

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Honesty is the best policy. I wasn’t expecting anything tbf, but I gave them my evidence to consider, the interviewers were considerate and it worked out well. Good luck.

Hi, I had to wait 14 months for my review to be done it is so stressful waiting every day to see what is coming in the post. Always state your worse days as if they are every day because you cannot predict how you are going to be from day to day. After all that stress of waiting for the post they rang me instead asked me a few security question and then told me the outcome. I answered the security questions eg age next birthday, what was my middle name (I said I didn’t have a middle name) that was a bit sneaky of them to do that as I was so stressed talking to them I could think straight). I eventually handed the phone to a family member to take over after I said I did not feel well, they were happy to talk to them instead. Saying all this I did get the outcome I wanted I still can’t believe it as I still feel stressed about it. Stress is not good for MS sufferers do they not care.
Good luck.x