to cut a long story short …10 years of minor symptoms , dodgy scans etc. Finally diagnosed last Dec at that point suggested a mild ms as I am really well majority of time but damage is increasing on scans … having bladder( major retention and urgency … a real pain.) and bowel issues (constipation ) new sensory symptom which I can only describe as feeling as though I have left my wellies on and I haven’t … never had any major incidents or relapses just increasingly and recurrent niggly stuff e.g. really tired and wobbly with this weather ! Neuro has just written to my gp suggesting he believes I have ppms in a more benign form … it’s come as a real shock as whilst he has never labelled my type before I just assumed it was Rrms in a very mild form …
anyone with ppms had such a slow mild journey ? Is he suggesting ppms as no defined incidents just growing numbers of symptoms … i know I need to ask him these things just could do with a few other views to help me get my head round it before I go back to him in a couple of months