I would just like to ask a couple of questions, i don’t mean to be rude or to offend anybody and i don’t procaliam to know alot about multiple sclerosis, i have experianced a couple of the symtoms of MS within the last 2 months and i would just like to ask if anyone here has had simelar experiances, i understand that people have different symtoms, but i have yet to go to a doctor (have an appointment next week), i have read some of the other threads and also had a little look online and my symptoms don’t seem to be as severe as other peoples. i am quite a negative person, not my choice its just how i am so if i have a problem and Google it i will always assume the worst case senario.
Anyway about 2 months ago i was laid on the sofa and my right arm went dead, it felt like i had been punched in the arm and that lasted for the rest of the day, when i woke up the next morning my arm was fine, this has happened several times over the last 2 months but only lasting untill i went to bed and when i woke up i was fine, i’m quite lazy, i have finished college in june and am now taking a gap year before uni so my lifestyle isn’t the best right now, i would say this has happened about 5 times, after the first few i became more worried and started to see what it could be.
Then last week i woke up with double vision, and i have still got it, that is why i have booked a doctors oppiontment. anyway its not painfull at all just slightly annoying, i see one clear image and above wrighting or words there is a faded double of it, its worse the further away i am to the image, i.e a coumputer screen is fine but a couple of meteres away from the tv i have it. its in both eyes, when i cover either eye it is still there. its only bright coulers aswell like white writing on a back background, i paused the tv on an advert withe big black letters and it wasn’t there so i think its only bright colours.
I googled my symptoms and i don’t know anything to to with the medical world so it could be anything, i just wondered if anyone else had somthing simelar at the beggining of there Diagnoses, i am not saying i have MS, i have just read that my symtoms match the symtoms of ms but don’t seem to be as bad as other peoples.
I do believe talking to be people who have been through things have a better perspective on it that people who havn’t and i just am getting a little bit worried, thanks for taking your time and reading this.