
Hey, before I lose my teeny tiny mind, has anyone any idea what polyclonal means in terms of neurology?

Its one of my findings that of course i forgot to ask about.

Polyclonal answers is what was written. In no way am i saying its MS related and ive tried the search facility on here. But i know from reading some of you guys have been able to educate yourselves very well in all areas of neurology.


Was it polyclonal responses rather than polyclonal answers? I don’t really understand it but perhaps the explanation on the web might help you.

Polyclonal answers of the lower limbs.

Closest i could find was suggestive of inflammation.

Just wondering if it is connected to the testing that is done for autoimmune diseases. Testing for autoimmune diseases is often carried out as part of the diagnostic testing for people with MS type symptoms. Maybe they are still waiting for the results - they can often take some time.

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Hi, thanks for replying,

I seen that it can mean automimune, however i wasn’t offered any blood tests, assume thats how they find them? I was tested for Lupus about 2yrs ago and you are right i waited around 3 months for results, negative.
Should i speak with GP?

If you want clarification then your GP may be able to help. We could be barking up the wrong tree!

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Yes absolutely, could mean anything really, i have a feeling for a long time i have some sort of immune issue, just cant seen to get to the bottom of it. I knew I had fibro, there was no way the amount of sleeping/pain i was in was normal, it was a relief to be diagnosed, but it was a fight, almost 10yrs of being told it was just depression, pumped full of anti depression meds that made me feel awful.
I’ll speak with GP x