
Hello everyone. I know pizza generally gets a bad press but my wife’s home made job is wonderful. Just the thing if you went

crashing off your all terrain scooter in the nearby forest and you’re nursing bruised ribs and dented ego.

Best wishes, Steve.

Oh Steve how awful for you, I do hope you recover quickly, arnica is supposed to be good for bruising, and pizza is good for dented pride.

Take care and rest plenty.

Pam x

Ouch Steve, hope you get chance to rest those ribs. Pride is something most msers dent regularly, I’m sure you’ve had worse experiences. I guess you’ll be smelling sweetly of arnica and deep heat for the next few days. Hope the scooter survived the expedition too. I’m looking forward to exploring Grizedale forest again this summer, won’t be going far but picnic and a paddle in the river is worth the drive up.

Take care

Cath xx

AH Steve… bad luck mate! You know what they say about falling off a horse… get straight back on! Take care & don’t let it get you down, Pat x

Hi Steve, Hope you and your scooter are ok. Yeah arnica’s good, I am never without a tube. Pat’s right you will have to go straight back on. Homemade pizza, yum, yum, Take care, Mags xx

Mmm…pizza… (My Homer Simpson impression. Like he was in the room, isn’t it?)

Good impression Kev DOHHHHH thats my impression of him not as good as yours

Steve Bruised ribs respond well to laughter, did you hear the one about …

Thank you for the kind messages.

The scooter has survived. A kindly fireman drove it back to the car after a few of them had set it upright and pushed it out of the dip I had so foolishly tried to scale. I think Dohhh is an appropriate response to my tumble! The forest awaits after a few days recovery. I think my wife might put me on a lead.

Best wishes, Steve.

Hi Steve, Everything about this ms malarkey is a learning curve. You will know better the next time. It is only a few years ago that I was going on long forrest and hill walks but it seems like a life time ago. It’s great that they make these all terrain scooters. Enjoy but be careful! Mags xx