Hello again,
Thanks to all you lovely people who replied, it really helps to know there are people out there reading who know much much more about this than I do at this stage.
Well, things got worse after I messaged. Symptoms cranked right up…just could not walk, heavy fuzzy wobbly strange head full of pressure, neck ache, tingles, leg cramps and involuntary shaking of my legs when touched or hear an unexpected noise. my legs goes crazy, i lurch foward, my breathing gets irregular and i end up crying. Takes me minutes of slow breathing to calm it all a little.
So I got scared, panicky. Everything was rushing fast around my head, I was home alone, I couldnt stand to cook for myself, I couldnt sleep due to it all so I rang 111 for advice.
As I haven’t yet got a diagnosis, and because of the range of symptoms, the paramedics came to take me to hospital. So Im here in hospital again Since Saturday.
I’ve had doctor after doctor hitting me in places, I suppose testing reflexes, and it sends me into a shaking, irregular breathing, hypersensitive crying mess I still can’t figure out how to walk. It just feels so strange and overwhelming to walk, leg my legs are made of lead and no longer attached to my body!
Eye pains, head aches, wobbly vision, irritability, slurred confussed speech at times, crying then laughing ten mins later. Im having one hell of a crazy time here!
So after the doctors finally decided to stop prodding and poking, they have just said rest, stay still, and will will try get you an mri to see if its another scaring, then give you a steriod drip, then home to wait for a neurologist appointment.
Stil waiting.
The doctor has now said he feels it could be anxiety fulled as anxiety presents similar symptoms. I feel fobbed off almost like ‘its in your head’ when i physically cant walk and i am physically hypersensitive. I explained it feels more that the physical difficulties cause anxiety which feeds back into my physical sympotoms worsening. I have been given a mild relaxant to try help me caaaaalllllmmmmmm. and we are waiting to hear from a neurologist to go ahead with the MRI and take it from there.
I feel the hospital environment is making me worse…I am next to a women who snores 24/7 since i’ve been in! theres lots of noise and stress around me, people groaning and crying and shouting. I am regretting coming in as i just want to go hid in bed away from this and just chhhiiiilllllllllllllllllllll.
But. If I wasnt here i would just be bed bound at home for months until i receive a neurology app. and i’d be woried and stressed still and non the wiser.
Should I stay or should I go???
Oh, and a bit about me. I am female, aged 27, I have two proffessions, one as a counsellor/therapist and the other as a carer. I have one son who is 7 years old. These two ‘MS’ episodes, if that is what they are, are my first experiences of illness (apart from flu and colds etc)
That was a long post! I am having the craziest emotional and physical rollacoaster ever. how the hell do you amazing people cope?! my god, new found respect for anyone anywhere who feels less than well. Our health is EVERYTHING!