Normal grumpiness is resumed

The MOG (miserable old git) is back,

I am back to positivity after a few days of being miserable, feeling sorry for myself and not having the capacity to “suck it up / get on with it” I was not able to put on the smiley face and deal with it so my nearest and dearest got a blast of Mick-bleats and whinges.

Sometimes I have to visit that place before I recalibrate, I know there are vast numbers of people who would gnaw their own arms and legs off to feel as fit and healthy as I am, but sometimes I just wish things could be better.

I would like to thank those who have indulged and not judged my sourpuss demeanour . Cheers

I will share my “Grump amongst the bluebells” moment


good picture…is it a self portrait? Glad you`ve found the wherewithall to fight the demons.

I`m just in the middle of a grump…been cursing and damning this condition/car insurance scammers…not the abusers, the bloody insurance companies themselves. It always was a rip off, you pay your dues, never make a claim…and then when you try to buy new, they sting you so hard you just cant afford it! So my dream of a wav has gone out the window, along with the smile on my face.

Grrrr! Like you hun, no doubt I`ll bounce back to the sweet lovely grandma that you all know and love…ahem!


I love your photos Mick. More please. Grumpy or otherwise.


And seeing as we now can… “Like”!!

Looks like an aunt of mine.


lovely photo!

i’m so angry with teresa may and every time you put the telly on she’s there.

so i’m going to the local labour party’s HQ doing phone call canvassing.



Was the potential wav via Motability? I thought that covered insurance as well. Not sure if any MS charity might help too, the ability to get out will save NHS money in the long run.

Hope to hear better news sometime.

All the best Mick

Thanks Sue,

Fingers crossed for a rapid post op recovery.

Rather than clog up forum space I will share a link to all of our Flick photos. (I find dipping in can be a nice reminder of the good stuff)



Thank goodness for the edit button as well as the “like” being back - Great work by the admin team

That is ace!!! Sure theres a happy tree in there somewhere! (looks like my father in law, his barks worse than his bite​) sorry, that’s bad! Tracey x

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Mick, the wav purchase wasn’t through Motability, but I’m now weighing up the pros and cons. Today it’s looking like Motability could be the better option.

I have my powered wheelchair on the scheme and you’re not allowed to have more than one item on it. So I’ll have to wait till the lease ends in January!


Mick, the wav purchase wasn’t through Motability, but I’m now weighing up the pros and cons. Today it’s looking like Motability could be the better option.

I have my powered wheelchair on the scheme and you’re not allowed to have more than one item on it. So I’ll have to wait till the lease ends in January!



When the lease on your powered chair expires maybe you could make an offer to purchase (you will know how it has been maintained) … and if Motability will be getting your Wav business they might be inclined to help ease the process.


Nice one Carol

And today I’m thinking about buying a cheap Citroen berlingo wav, which is an ex Motability car with just one owner.

That’s today’s thinking.

Who knows what my brain will come up with tomorrow?

Never let your left hand know what your right hand is doing!!!

That’s the secret to life!!!


my right hand does not know that the left exists let alone that it is supposed to be dominant.


PS loving the edit button

That`s the ticket Mog.

btw Its on for the citroen.........steps are being taken as I type.....except for me its wheels not steps!


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Woohoo Boudica might have a new chariot. Hope all works out well with the WAV.
